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Beginners Guide to cPanel, Tutorials and How To Guides

cPanel is a control panel that lets you perform a variety of tasks on your website. It is provided by web hosts and is installed by default at the back end to your web site hosting account. Tools include installing WordPress, setting up email accounts, creating subdomains, installing SSL certificates, and many other important features.

Setting Up Directory Privacy with cPanel

This cPanel feature allows you to protect specific directories in your cPanel accounts files. After you enable this feature for a directory, when users attempt to view that directory via a website, the system prompts them to log in. Note: This feature modifies htaccess and htpasswd configurations in order to restrict access to files on your websites.

Using the Images Interface in cPanel

The cPanel Images feature allows you to modify (Thumbnailer, Scaler, Converter) images on your hosting account. Complete Internet Resources

Using the File Manager Interface with cPanel

Upload, download, create, copy, move, update, edit, view, extract, compress, password protect, search, delete, restore - files, images or folders. Here, you can also enable "Show Hidden Files" option.
With this option, System files such as the .htaccess will be displayed in File Manager as well.

How to Use the Encryption Interface with cPanel

This feature allows you to create, store, and manage GnuPG keys. GnuPG keys use the public key approach for encryption. Programs that use GnuPG keys encrypt outbound messages with a public key. Only the intended recipient, who possesses the private key, can decrypt the message.

Using the Spam Filters and SpamAssassin Interface in cPanel

This feature allows you to configure the spam filter settings that is powered by Apache SpamAssassin for your hosting account. These filters identify and sort or delete unsolicited spam email. You can also use this interface to configure your whitelist and blacklist settings.

Setting Up Autoresponders in cPanel

Email autoresponders allow users to setup automatic responses to incoming emails. An example might be when a user is on a vacation. If someone sends them an email it will automatically send back a response letting them know you are not available. The message can be completely customized

Managing Email Accounts in cPanel

Use this interface to create, manage, and delete email accounts associated with your hosting account.

Creating an Email Account in cPanel

Follow these steps to create an email account in cPanel. Log in to your cPanel. Under the "Email" section click on " Email Accounts"

Using the PHP PEAR Package Interface in cPanel

The PHP PEAR Packages feature allows you to search for, view and add PEAR packages to your website. The PHP Pear Packages interface allows you to search for and add PEAR packages to your website, or view all of your website’s available PHP packages.

How to Change the Interface in cPanel

cPanel is one of the most popular website hosting control panel, and it is the one we offer with our hosting plans. Use this interface to choose a style in order to customize the cPanel interface’s appearance.

Installing Web Apps with Softaculous and cPanel

How to install Web Applications using Softaculous. Softaculous is a time and hassle-saving, automatic script installer that is open source. It will enable users to install and configure a multitude of commercial - open-source hosting apps with just a few clicks of your mouse. It has 380+ scripts, 1115 PHP classes classes (templates of objects), and the company says Softaculous is the most used in the web hosting industry

Using the Metrics Editor Interface in cPanel

This cPanel feature allows you to select which metrics program to process and view your log files and provide traffic analysis for your website.
Note: If your hosting provider does not allow you to select a statistics program, the interface displays a lock icon (lock).

Accessing the Raw Access Logs feature in cPanel

Metrics > Raw Access

These access logs are compressed text files that contain information about your websites Visitors
This feature allows you to download a .gz file that contains your access log. You can access logs for both Apache® and NGINX®.

Using the FTP Connections Interface in cPanel

This cPanel feature will displays information about any current connections to your FTP website and allows you to terminate those connections.
Important: To connect your local machine to your FTP server, read our How to Upload Files with FTP documentation or your third-party FTP client’s documentation.

Using the Email Disk Usage Interface in cPanel

This cPanel feature allows you to view all of your mailboxes and remove old or large messages.
Note: The Account menu only appears for cPanel accounts. It will not appear in Webmail accounts.

How to Configure Greylisting with cPanel

Email > Greylisting

When enabled, this feature can help protect you against unwanted email or spam. The mail server will temporarily reject any email from a sender that the server does not recognize. If the email is legitimate, the originating server tries to send it again after a delay. After sufficient time passes, the server accepts the email.

Using the Address Importer in cPanel

Email > Address Importer

The Address Import Tool allows you to use two types of files to simultaneously create multiple email addresses or email Redirects from an XLS or CSV (comma separated values) file to import data. This is a very useful option to avoid doing it manually through the Email Accounts tool.

Using the Track Delivery Tool in cPanel

This cPanel option lets you see delivery reports of emails, errors when sending and view the spam scores of your emails. Also Tracing the route of emails can help you find delivery problems.

The WordPress Toolkit from cPanel

WordPress Toolkit

Single management interface that enables you to easily install, configure, and manage WordPress websites, including:
• Admin and database password management
• Search engine indexing management
• Single sign-on functionality
• Automatic security hardening
• Plugin and theme set management
• Staging and cloning functionality
• Mass automatic and smart updates

How to set the Default Email Address in cPanel

The default email address is the email account associated with a cPanel's username after creating a new cPanel hosting account.
This also called a "Catch-All" email address. Creating a Catch-All email address in cPanel
The default email address will "catch" any email that is sent to your domain name

Using the Remote MySQL feature in cPanel

Remote MySQL

This Remote MySQL Interface will allow remote hosts or Servers to access MySQL databases on your hosting account. For example, if you wish to allow shopping cart or guestbook applications on other servers to access your databases.

Using the Indexes Interface in cPanel

Use the Indexes feature to define how your website displays a specific directory index, or to disable the index display for a directory

Setting up Cron Jobs in cPanel

A cron job is a Linux command used for scheduling tasks that the system runs at predefined times or intervals. This is normally used to schedule a job that is executed periodically.. These are scheduled tasks that the system runs at predefined times or intervals. Allows cPanel users to automate repetitive tasks

Using the MultiPHP Manager for cPanel

This feature allows you to easily manage your websites PHP configuration. In this interface, you can manage the PHP version or pool option of any virtual host. The system PHP version refers to version of PHP that functions as the global default for all accounts. Only the system administrator can set the system PHP version. Any primary domain that is set to Inherit uses the system PHP version.

What is the Optimize Website option in cPanel

This feature allows you to configure your website to automatically compress specified types of content within visitors browsers.
To compress all of your website’s content, perform the following steps:
1) Select Compress All Content.
2) Click Update Settings.

Using the WordPress Manager by Softaculous in cPanel

Manage all your WordPress installation in one place

WordPress Manager is a utility to Manage all your WordPress installation without having to login to the WordPress admin panel. In order to access WordPress Manager you can click on the “WordPress” icon in the upper right corner of your Softaculous enduser panel as shown in the below screenshot.