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cPanel Tutorials and Documentation

cPanel Tutorials - How To Log In To cPanel This playlist includes videos to help new cPanel users take the first steps in their cPanel accounts. It will help all those readers who wish to host and manage a website using cPanel.

WordPress® Manager | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The WordPress Manager interface allows you to manage new or existing WordPress® sites on your cPanel account. You can use this interface to view your WordPress database name and user, and view and change each site’s automatic updates configuration. In addition, you can view each site’s basic WordPress configuration, change the WordPress administrator users’ passwords, and back up or restore your WordPress site.

Change Language | cPanel & WHM Documentation

You can choose to view the cPanel interface in many different languages. To change your cPanel interface’s language, perform the following steps: Select the language that you wish to use from the Select a language menu. Click Change. The interface will refresh in the newly-selected language.

IP Blocker | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The IP Blocker interface allows you to block access to your site for one or more IP addresses or fully qualified domain names (FQDNs). If you enter IP addresses directly into the .htaccess file, enter them in CIDR format only.

Change Style | cPanel & WHM Documentation

Use this interface to choose a style in order to customize the cPanel interface's appearance. To change your interface’s style, click Apply for the desired style. The interface will refresh with the newly-selected style.

Contact Information | cPanel & WHM Documentation

Use this interface to store contact information for your cPanel account and to set your contact preferences. We strongly recommend that you do not use an email address that your cPanel account owns. You may fail to receive messages when the server encounters problems.

SSL/TLS | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The features in this interface allow you to generate and manage SSL certificates, signing requests, and keys, which enhance your website's security. They are useful for any website that regularly work with sensitive information, such as login credentials and credit card numbers. Encryption protects visitors’ communications from malicious users.

ModSecurity® Tools | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The ModSecurity® Tools interface allows you to install and manage ModSecurity rules. Click Rules List to view the Rules List section of the interface.
In the Rules List section of the interface, click Hits List to return to the Hits List section of the interface.

MySQL® Databases | cPanel & WHM Documentation

Use this interface to create, manage, and delete MySQL databases and database users. A database name may contain a maximum of 64 characters. Due to the method that cPanel & WHM uses to store MySQL database names, each underscore character requires two characters of that limit. For information about how to use phpMyAdmin, visit the phpMyAdmin website.

User Manager | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The User Manager interface allows you to manage your Subaccounts. Subaccounts use the same login and password information for email, FTP, and Web Disk services. The system synchronizes the password of each of the Subaccount’s allowed services. This interface also allows you to merge email, FTP, and Web Disk accounts into a single Subaccount

Hotlink Protection | cPanel & WHM Documentation

A hotlink occurs when someone embeds content from your site in another site and uses your bandwidth to serve the files. You can use this interface to prevent this issue. To ### Enable hotlink protection, perform the following steps

Leech Protection | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The Leech Protection interface allows you to detect unusual levels of activity in password restricted directories. After you set the maximum number of logins within a two-hour period, the system redirects or suspends users who exceed it. This is useful if, for example, someone posts a user’s login credentials on a public site.

SSL/TLS Status | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface lets you view, upgrade, or renew your domains' Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates.
You can also view a domain name’s certificate details. For more information about how SSL/TLS verifies server identities to protect your websites, read our Guide to SSL.

phpMyAdmin | cPanel & WHM Documentation

Use this interface to manipulate MySQL® databases.
phpMyAdmin is a third-party tool that you can use to manipulate MySQL® databases. For example, you can use phpMyAdmin to add or delete records in a MySQL database. For more information about how to use phpMyAdmin, visit the phpMyAdmin website.

MySQL® Database Wizard | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This wizard guides you through the setup of a MySQL® database, user accounts, and user privileges. We recommend that you use this wizard to create your first database and user.
To create additional databases or users, you can also use the MySQL Databases interface

Optimize Website | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface allows you to configure your server to automatically compress specified types of content when visitors access that content.

MultiPHP Manager for cPanel | cPanel & WHM Documentation

cPanel’s MultiPHP Manager interface allows you to easily manage your account’s PHP configuration. In this interface, you can manage the PHP version or pool option of any virtual host.
The system PHP version refers to version of PHP that functions as the global default for all accounts.

MultiPHP INI Editor for cPanel | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface allows you to configure your PHP settings. The menu displays a list of available domain document roots, or you may choose the account Home Directory. Select the location that you wish to configure from the menu. If you want to apply changes to any website under this cPanel user, edit the home directory

cPanel App Catalog :: Softaculous Auto Installer

Add even more value to cPanel & WHM, the hosting platform of choice, using a wide variety of third-party applications in the cPanel App Catalog. Softaculous includes 300+ apps and 1100+ PHP classes. The Softaculous apps are updated on daily basis to make sure you get the update and secure version of apps.

Password & Security | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface allows you to update your account's password.

PHP PEAR Packages | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The PHP PEAR Packages interface allows you to search for and add PEAR packages to your website, or view all of your website's available PHP packages.

Email Accounts | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface lets you add, manage, and delete email accounts. To set up a mail client for your email account, read our Set Up Mail Client documentation.

Forwarders | cPanel & WHM Documentation

With this feature, it will allow you to configure an email address to forward incoming emails to another email address automatically.
This is useful if, for example, you want to use one email account to receive emails addressed to multiple addresses without having an account for each.

Email Routing | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface allows you to configure how the system routes a domain’s incoming mail. For example, you can use this interface to configure the server as a backup mail exchanger, which will hold a domain’s mail until the primary mail exchanger is available.

Autoresponders | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This feature allows you to configure automatic email response messages. This is useful, for example, when the recipient is unavailable. When you activate an autoresponder, the system still delivers messages to the inbox as usual.

Email Filters | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface allows you to filter the email for each email account in your domain. An email filter allows you to set a rule for incoming messages (for example, a message from desired sender). If a message matches that rule, then the system can automatically perform an action on that message