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eTextbook Teachers 2016

In 5 weeks, join 1000 teachers in creating the 1st chapter of their etextbooks. It's free!

20Lists 19Favorites 312Followers 4Following Activity
  1. Ebook EVO Bookshelf
    2.07k    48    10   
  2. Ebook EVO Twitter List
    743    36    402   
  3. Ebook Design Presentations
    1.15k    44    12   
  4. 321 Introductions
    313    20    14   
  5. Students and eTextbooks
    1.52k    21    19   
  6. Ebook Design Resources
    4.84k    53    18   
  7. Wk3 Ebook Mindmaps
    471    8    17   
  8. ePublishing Options
    823    32    16   
  9. Presentation Tools
    1.23k    45    16   
  10. Creative Commons
    4.45k    62    17   
  11. Pretasks for eTextbook Teachers
    13.41k    69    15   
  12. Comic Creation Tools
    224    10    7