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Updated by eTextbook Teachers 2016 on Feb 10, 2016
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Students and eTextbooks


Visual Thinking

Visual Thinking

Interesting for visual design:)

7 Tips for iBooks Accessibility by Luis Perez

I just authored an iBook textbook focusing on iBooks Accessibility. I've tried my best to make the iBook an exemplar of the principles I discuss. The videos are closed captioned, the images have descriptions, I added a glossary, you get the idea. I did have a major problem with the videos that I need to...

Wk 4 Missions

Wk 4 missions explained. The most important is to complete 1/2 of chapter 1. Keep in your reader in mind.

iBooks Accessibility

iBooks Accessibility - Free download as Text file (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or view presentation slides online.

The Two Kids and Desert Town

Opening the iTunes Store. If iTunes doesn't open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop. Progress Indicator Already have iTunes? Click I Have iTunes to open it now. iTunes for Mac + PC by Mr. Smith's 5th Grade Class This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device, and with iTunes on your computer.

Creatures, Plants and More!

Opening the iTunes Store. If iTunes doesn't open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop. Progress Indicator Already have iTunes? Click I Have iTunes to open it now.

7th Graders Publish Their Own Textbook

I thought of my fifth grade classroom as a web publishing organization. Whenever it seemed appropriate, we shared our artwork, writing, videos, and other projects on our website, Planet 5th. If I was teaching fifth graders today, we would be crafting our own learning materials, including writing our own textbooks.

The Living Textbook

A project of the Asian American Journalists Association

Several Sites for Textbook Creation by Cybraryman

Cybrary Man's Educational Web Sites The internet catalogue for students, teachers, administrators & parents. Over 20,000 relevant links personally selected by an educator/author with over 30 years of experience.

Using Voice Comments with Google Docs for Peer Editing

I had a "just in time" professional development moment thanks to Jennifer Roberts and her video titled "Docs Voice Comments." I wanted to share it with other educators as I know many of us are planning end of the year projects, assignments, and written pieces. These culminating assignments are

Crafting an ebook with language learners by Deborah Tebovich

I think that helping them create their own E-Textbooks would be just one more way to express my gratitude to my learners for sharing our learning journey. I feel this is a powerful way to develop pride in their learning process as well as develop self-awareness of their achievements during the year.

Quest - Write text adventure games and interactive stories

Watch a quick screencast ...and you're free No restrictions. Quest is licenced under Ms-PL, like the MIT open source licence. This means you can download and modify the Quest source code, and do whatever you want with it. You can sell the games you make with Quest.

Learner's Notebook as Coursebook

This is the latest in my The Road to Teaching Unplugged series, and I've made an attempt to demonstrate one of many ways I use learners' own blank notebooks to generate an ongoing course(book) using their own material and a variety of classroom activities.

Future of the Textbook post by Andre Spang

In German, but you can translate with Google Translate

Textbooks of Tomorrow: tools & features | iSchulbuch an der KAS on

Infographics and more by Andre Spang. You will have to translate this. It's in German

Example of Andre Spang's student ibooks

Rechtzeitig zum heutigen Welttag des Buches steht es zum Download bereit: Das iBook "Eucharistie" meiner beiden Klassen 8 und 9 im Fach Katholische Religion, das wir hier zum Download mit cc-by-sa3.0 Lizenz als freies Lernmaterial (OER=Open Educational Resources) anbieten wollen. Doch der Reihe nach... Wie kam es dazu?

Mobile learning scenarios with tablets, social media and OER @ a Highschool in Cologne, Germany

Check out this webinar recording in which Andre Spang shows us how his students created Wikisites and iBooks

Future of the Textbook by Andre Spang

Prezi- click on the section to go directly there

Students Creating Their Own Textbook: Interview with @DatEnglish #30GoalsEDU

Posted by Shelly Terrell on Wednesday, September 11th 2013 Interview 10 of The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators. For 2013, we are Hanging Out with some of the past and current participants of the 30 Goals Challenge for Educators.

How we started creating our own textbooks by Débora Tebovich

As we don't follow a textbook in class, I started to think that my students could create their own e-textbooks. I shared the idea with some of them, and they are more than excited about it. We are in the process of editing their Google Documents that is basically where they collect their works.

Natasa's blog
Photo Credit: quimby via Compfight cc I mean it - don't panic. You don't have to finish your chapter next week, you don't have to write 100 pages and, moreover, you don't have to make it all up. The internet is like a global supermarket, with CC-licenced images, lectures and worksheets.

Ebook designed by Italian children