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Stan Phelps


Stan Phelps is a Forbes Contributor, IBM Futurist, and TEDx Speaker. His keynotes and workshops offered at focus on how to create meaningful differentiation to win the hearts of both employees and customers. He’s the best-selling author of: Purple Goldfish -12 Ways to Win Customers and Influence Word of Mouth, Green Goldfish - Beyond Dollars: 15 Ways to Drive Employee Engagement, Golden Goldfish - The Vital Few, Blue Goldfish - Using Technology, Data, and Analytics to Drive Both Profits and Prophets, Purple Goldfish Service Edition - The 12 Ways Hotels, Restaurants and Airlines Win the Right Customers, and Red Goldfish - Motivating Sales & Loyalty With Shared Passion and Purpose. Connect with me at or +1.919.360.4702.

16Lists 13Favorites 287Followers 2Following Activity
  1. Yellow Goldfish Project
    374    7    87   
  2. Golden Goldfish Project
    501    4    27   
  3. Silver Goldfish Project
    92    4    46   
  4. White Goldfish Project
    836    1    27   
  5. Pink Goldfish 2 Project
    12    1    32   
  6. Red Goldfish Project
    932    4    37   
  7. Gray Goldfish List
    282    3    37   
  8. Blue Goldfish Project
    937    8    47