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Updated by Adelina Moura on Apr 21, 2014
24 items   1 followers   0 votes   128 views


Lecture Capture

Affordable, easy-to-use software for campus-wide lecture capture and video management. One-click recording from the classroom or your laptop.

Plataforma de aprendizaje

Vídeo explicativo del funcionamiento de la plataforma de formación de Árboles que hacen bosque


Upload pictures directly to your LetterPop account or seamlessly use your or Facebook pictures.

150 herramientas gratuitas para crear materiales educativos con tics

Generadores de cuadernos, libros y publicaciones digitales Cuadernia online (Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de Castilla-La Mancha). Herramienta fácil y funcional para la creación y difusión de materiales educativos digitales. Permite crear de forma dinámica y visual cuadernos digitales que pueden contener información y actividades multimedia.

Tar Heel Reader | Books for beginning readers of all ages

Welcome to the Tar Heel Reader, a collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books on a wide range of topics. Each book can be speech enabled and accessed using multiple interfaces, including touch screens, the IntelliKeys with custom overlays, and 1 to 3 switches. Click here to learn more about alternative access methods.

10 herramientas que ayudarán a los estudiantes en sus trabajos de grupo

Estudiar no es una tarea fácil, nunca lo ha sido. A menudo se comenta que la tecnología facilita mucho la vida académica en la actualidad, pero eso no siempre es cierto, a veces la complica aún más. Encontrar los recursos adecuados para que podemos concentrarnos en alcanzar los objetivos es todo un arte.

10 herramientas de la nube imprescindibles para la formación

Informes Especiales LR - 17 Cloud computing en la formación Noviembre 2012.- Estas son 10 herramientas imprescindibles que existen en la red, y pueden servir para la formación. Cuando hablamos de formación pensamos en sentido amplio, tanto en la formación presencial como en aquella que se desarrolla a distancia, o bien de manera mixta.

Web2 - 4 Languages Teachers - Web2.0 tools

With Wondersay, you can animate any type of sentence. Wondersayings are easy to create, customise and share. There are no software programs to download (it's all online) and no sign-up required. Simply save the Wondersayings by copying the link.

Best Free Education Web Tool 2013 - Edublog Awards

Listly List - Best Free Education Web Tool 2013 - Edublog Awards - Search for Words by Sound with the SoundFinder Tool, Twitter, Canva - Amazingly simple graphic design, Speaking of, Vimeo, Your Videos Belong Here, Symbaloo, Pinterest, Remind101 | Free and Safe Text Messaging for Teachers, Glogster EDU: A complete educational solution for digital and mobile teaching and learning., | Buncee - Your Creation and Presentation tool Simplified, Paper for the Web | Padlet, Award-winning LMS for teachers and school administrators | Schoology, Kidblog | Safe and simple blogs for your students., Edmodo, and Google Apps for Education

Digital Storytelling with an iPad

This presentation shares how the iPad is the perfect digital storytelling tool for both students and teachers. Many app suggestions, examples of student projec

Share As Image | Turn Text Into Images

Share As Image lets you highlight text anywhere on the web and easily convert it into an image.

Como mudar sua assinatura e-mail app do Gmail a |

Acabe com os e-mails "enviados a partir do meu smartphone Android" e personalize as suas mensagens Veja também: Badland, um jogo para Android que o vai agarrar ao seu smartphone ou tablet Veja também: Como desactivar apps pré-instaladas no Android em 7 passos Se é um consultor assíduo de correio electrónico no seu smartphone Android, as probabilidades de que já tenha respondido a um e-mail importante a partir do seu fiel companheiro são elevadas.

94 Aplicaciones Educativas 2.0

Después de bucear mucho por la red buscando aplicaciones útiles para el trabajo con los alumnos en el aula y tras la experiencia de haberlas probado en activi

The 5 Best iPad Presentation Apps for Teachers and Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

January 11, 2014 Somebody asked me today on the Facebook page of this blog about some suggestions on iPad apps to create and share presentations and tutorials with students.


Narrable uses storytelling through images and narration to engage students and to draw out important higher order thinking skills.

Online dictionaries by - loving languages

Search translations in the dictionary and have fun learning languages with vocabulary lessons and many free games and quizzes.

Use Your Handwriting

Opening the iTunes Store. If iTunes doesn't open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop. Progress Indicator iTunes is the world's easiest way to organize and add to your digital media collection. We are unable to find iTunes on your computer.

Web Application Development | Open Source Development

E-learning is one of the excellent technologies that allow you to deliver training anytime, anyplace. Different forms of educational technology in learning and teaching are included in e-learning. It is especially known as a number of various things in a number of ways like e-learning, online learning, online training, and so on.