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Updated by Kirshna Murthi on Feb 22, 2023
Headline for a2 cow ghee amazon
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a2 cow ghee amazon

As compared to A1 ghee, A2 is more grainy. A2 ghee is made with the traditional bilona method. A2 ghee is preferred as it has higher nutritive value and benefits as compared to the A1 counterpart.

Earthomaya - Innovating Unique Ayurvedic Health Products

Bringing good quality ayurvedic products like Aloe vera ghee (first time in India), A2 desi cow ghee, Stomach Relief Powder, Piles Miles Away, Stevia drop covering all health problems like Heart Care, Diabetic Care, General Care, Critical Care, Immunity Building, Gut Health, Personal care and much more.

Vanalaya Organic A2 Desi Gir Cow ghee from A2 Milk Prepared by Traditional Bilona Method -400ml

PURE GIR GHEE: Vanalaya gir cow ghee is nutritious, healthy, pure and unadulterated ghee with a2 proteins made from a2 milk of indian native cows. Unlike other ghee products that claim to be organic and without lactose, our ghee butter is 100% natural and organic, produced by grass-fed cow milk in india.,PURE GHEE SOUCED FROM GIR COW: Gir Ghee (Pure A2 Gir Cow Ghee) is made from milk collected from grass-fed desi gir cows. Grazing upon medicinal grasses in pastures makes the milk of desi gir cows a nectar. Now this nectar gives us best of A2 ghee. These cows are grass-fed and are not factory-farmed and are free from cross-breeding, which gives our Ghee its special, natural qualities.,GIR COW BENEFITS: Gir Cow A2 Cultured Ghee is gluten free, easy to digest and safe for most people with lactose or casein sensitivities our ghee is derived from the high breed Gir cow, known for producing the highly regarded A2 milk. Unlike regular milk, A2 milk contains only A2 protein which is healthier and safer than A1 protein.,BILONA TRADITIONAL METHOD: We prepare Desi-Ghee by traditional method. This Vedic method is the best process to prepare Desi-Ghee. In market ghee is produced from milk cream through machines and chemicals. The Ghee prepared with machines and chemicals does not have medicinal properties. At our centre we take care that Ghee is made by Ayurvedic method which is recommended by Indian literature.,SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: We are donating a dedicated share of our profit to the Gaushala's and farmers who are protecting and taking care of old age desi cows, so that old age cows should not go to slaughter houses.

UMANAC A2 Desi Gir Cow Organic Ghee | Vedic Bilona Method | Cultured, Premium & Traditional Ghee - 500ml

Umanac A2 Desi Gir cow ghee is made exclusively from the milk of Desi Gir cows that feed on free range, all-natural farms.,Chemical free cow feed guarantees a supreme quality milk that pools all the essential growth nutrients like Vitamin A, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Omega 6 & 9 and beta-carotene.,This rich in quality milk is cultured into curd, then to butter which is heated slowly and then hand churned into ghee.,Hand-churning of ghee is a timeless traditional process called BILONA method which helps to manually whip out ghee on a wooden churner with restored nutrients.,Gir A2 cow desi ghee is a robust and essential fat required by human body and is a far better alternative to the usual kitchen oil,With unmatched Ayurvedic and medicinal properties, our ghee is fit to be consumed by health and fitness enthusiasts, likewise be a part of various dietary options.,Umanac A2 Desi Gir cow ghee is an impressive combination of A2 protein and other minerals that forms a need of today’s wellbeing.,Packaged safely in leak-proof, food grade glass bottle

Vanalaya Organic A2 Desi Gir Cow ghee from A2 Milk Prepared by Traditional Bilona Method -200ml

PURE GIR GHEE: Vanalaya gir cow ghee is nutritious, healthy, pure and unadulterated ghee with a2 proteins made from a2 milk of indian native cows. Unlike other ghee products that claim to be organic and without lactose, our ghee butter is 100% natural and organic, produced by grass-fed cow milk in india.,PURE GHEE SOUCED FROM GIR COW: Gir Ghee (Pure A2 Gir Cow Ghee) is made from milk collected from grass-fed desi gir cows. Grazing upon medicinal grasses in pastures makes the milk of desi gir cows a nectar. Now this nectar gives us best of A2 ghee. These cows are grass-fed and are not factory-farmed and are free from cross-breeding, which gives our Ghee its special, natural qualities.,GIR COW BENEFITS: Gir Cow A2 Cultured Ghee is gluten free, easy to digest and safe for most people with lactose or casein sensitivities our ghee is derived from the high breed Gir cow, known for producing the highly regarded A2 milk. Unlike regular milk, A2 milk contains only A2 protein which is healthier and safer than A1 protein.,BILONA TRADITIONAL METHOD: We prepare Desi-Ghee by traditional method. This Vedic method is the best process to prepare Desi-Ghee. In market ghee is produced from milk cream through machines and chemicals. The Ghee prepared with machines and chemicals does not have medicinal properties. At our centre we take care that Ghee is made by Ayurvedic method which is recommended by Indian literature.,SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: We are donating a dedicated share of our profit to the Gaushala's and farmers who are protecting and taking care of old age desi cows, so that old age cows should not go to slaughter houses.

Anveshan A2 Vedic Bilona Cow Ghee in Glass Jar, 1 Litre (500 ml * 2) (Pack of 2) (Made from Curd by Traditional Bilon...

This vedic pure ghee is made from the milk of desi grass fed cows majorly Harlikar, Sahiwal and Gir at our partner’s Anveshan centre.,Highest quality A2 milk is collected and set to curd in traditional mud pots.,The nutrient rich curd is then traditionally hand churned with Bilona Method to extract fresh makkhan.,To obtain 1L of Anveshan ghee it takes 30L of A2 milk.,It is good for everyday cooking, puja purpose, kids and weight loss

GirOrganic A2 Pure Ghee | 100% Desi Gir Cow | Vedic Bilona Method | 500 ml Glass Bottle | Grassfed, Cultured, Premium...

GirOrganic A2 Pure Ghee | 100% Desi Gir Cow | Vedic Bilona Method | 500 ml Glass Bottle | Grassfed, Cultured, Premium & Traditional Ghee | Immunity Booster : Grocery & Gourmet Foods

Anveshan A2 Cow Ghee 250 mL | Glass Jar| Bilona Method | Curd-Churned

PURE A2 GHEE: Anveshan A2 ghee is nutritious, healthy and pure with A2 proteins made from A2 milk of indian native cows. Unlike other ghee products that claim to be organic and without lactose, our ghee butter is 100% natural, produced by grass-fed Indian desi cow milk.


Rich source of Vitamin A, D and B12, E and K among other micronutrients.,It is easier to digest and is simply suitable for vegetarians.,Better for frying as it has a higher smoke/melting point.