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Updated by Patent Drafting Catalyst on Apr 07, 2022
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Patent Drafting Catalyst

Patent Drafting Catalyst helps in drafting high-quality and error-free patent drafts.

Understanding the Meaning of Patent Docketing & its Process - PDC

Patent Docketing is a tool that helps in the management of documents during the patent prosecution. Check out the benefits of patent docketing

What is Prior-Art? Why You Should Conduct a Prior-Art Search? - PDC

A Prior-art search is a tool that reveals information about the similar invention already in use, to the invention proposed for patent.

Patent Drafting for Beginners: Introduction - Patent Drafting Catalyst

Patent drafting is at the core of every patent application. You need to understand various fundamentals of the patent application, including the process of writing the patent description and claims. A patent is divided into a specification, drawings, and patent claims, and the combination of these components will protect your invention. Patent claims are an essential component of a patent specification, and it defines scope or extent of the protection that a patent can offer.


Patent Drafting Catalyst- Create Error-Free Patent Draft

Patent Drafting Catalyst- Create Error-Free Patent Draft

[Here's everything you need to know before hiring patent attorneys for patent draft]



Patent Drafting Catalyst- Create Error-Free Patent Drafts

Patent Drafting Catalyst- Create Error-Free Patent Drafts

[Take a look at the best practices to write patent claim. This article briefs you about the technique of writing patent claims.]



Patent Drafting Catalyst - Create Error-Free Drawing

Patent Drafting Catalyst - Create Error-Free Drawing

[Understand the meaning of Non- Patent Literature Search]


The Art of Writing a Patent Abstract - Patent Drafting Catalyst

Why should writing a patent abstract be a big deal? This question may occur to inventors who are drafting a patent application on their own.

Why You Should Avail Patent Proofreading Services? - PDC

The best way to ensure that there are no errors in the patent draft is by hiring patent proofreading services. Read this blog to know more.

IDS: Why & When You Should File it? - Patent Drafting Catalyst |Blog|

An Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) lists all the prior-art claimed in a patent application. While filing a patent application, it is

How to Build a Perfect Patent Strategy - Patent Drafting Catalyst

A perfect patent strategy helps you to easily obtain patent protection. The important component of a business plan for technology companies

Patent Docketing : Patent Application Process Management - PDC

Patent docketing is a system that manages the Patent application process. It is necessary to use a docketing system as it is difficult to man

Understanding The Meaning Of Patent Prosecution & its Process - PDC

The process of drafting and filing patent application to obtain patent rights and secure your invention is called Patent Prosecution. Read

Patent Registration Process – Steps You Should Know - PDC |Blog|

Patent Registration can benefit you in multiple ways. Let’s take a look at the patent registration process in the following article.

What is a Patent Number? How To Find A Patent Number?

The applicant must know that the different countries use a different format for issuing the patent number. Read how to find a patent number.

What is Patent Landscape Analysis? - Patent Drafting Catalyst

Patent landscape analysis provides a valuable insight into the patent situation of a specific technological area. Click here to know more

Understanding Patent Illustration Rules - Patent Drafting Catalyst

Patent illustration plays an important role in patent prosecution cycle and helps to achieve patent grants. Click here to know more

Patent Drafting Catalyst | A Listly List

Patent Drafting Catalyst helps in drafting high-quality and error-free patent drafts.

What is Patent Watch? Why do you need it? - Patent Drafting Catalyst

Patent watch can give you useful information about the patent applications are being filed or granted patent rights. click here to know.

What is Patent Proofreading & its importance? - Patent Drafting Catalyst

Patent Proofreading means locating errors and rectifying the errors in the issued patent. Know why patent proofreading is important.

Patent Filing - A Detailed Procedure Explained - Patent Drafting Catalyst

Patent Filing is one of the first steps that an applicant has to undertake in order to achieve patent grants. Click here to know more.

Understanding the Difference Between Utility Patent and Design Patent -

In this article, we are going to read about the major difference between Utility Patent and Design Patent. Read here to know more

What is Prior-Art Search? How does it impact your Patent? -

The term “Prior-Art Search” is used in connection with the obviousness of an invention. So, what exactly is prior-art? What role does it play

What is Patent Docketing? - Patent Drafting Catalyst

Patent Docketing refers to the process of managing patent applications. A patent docket helps in maintaining portfolios. Know more about it