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Updated by Afshan Basher Aly on Dec 27, 2019
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How Bad Lighting Affects Your Eyesight

When we were children, we heard our mother and teacher refraining us from sitting below a dim light. Reading under bad light affects your eyesight! Low light causes your eyes to suffer some uncomfortable symptoms, beware, if you do not pay heed & take proper initiatives to tackle it, it may lead to irreparable damage. Your mom’s yelling sessions might turn out to be true: Long-term or permanent eye damage.
Let’s explore the facts behind how bad (poor) lighting affects your eyesight.


How Eye Reacts Under Low Light

How Eye Reacts Under Low Light

The eyes adjust to the amount of light in the surroundings. When the light in the room is decreased, the pupils are expanded to allow more light to enter the retina at the back of the eye in an effort to keep vision open and functional under less than ideal conditions.
Low-light reading habits decrease the eyes ' ability to focus clearly, causing them to get tired. Under low light, many people also blink less frequently, which can cause temporary eye dryness.
In addition, pupils narrow in bright light to reduce the amount of light that enters the retina. The retina then perceives and transmits data to the brain, enabling us to see.


Fluorescent Lighting Eyesight Issue

Fluorescent Lighting Eyesight Issue

Exposure to harsh fluorescent lighting is one of the major culprits of Eyestrain and blurred vision. The more you're exposed to the light, the more likely you're going to be prey to it.
Eyestrain signs are swollen, burning, watery, or cold eyes. There may also be double vision and decreased light sensitivity. Sometimes you may find that holding your eyes open or concentrating on your job is getting difficult.
The fluorescent light’s severe glints can cause headaches, oftentimes not taken seriously & considered normal. However, when there is more exposure to the bad fluorescent lighting, chances are one might suffer from more frequent periods of migraines.


Compact Fluorescent Lighting Eyesight Issue

Compact Fluorescent Lighting Eyesight Issue

The only cause of the problem is not the overhead fluorescent lights. Compact fluorescent lights (CFL) are equally likely to cause the same symptoms as an energy-efficient substitute for incandescent bulbs.
Research states that exposure to both conventional fluorescent lights and CFLs can increase your risk of eye disease. Fluorescent lights create an artificial source of ultraviolet light (UV). Frequent exposure to UV light can lead to multiple eye diseases, including cataracts and macular degeneration associated with age.


The Hazardous Impacts of Blue Light

The Hazardous Impacts of Blue Light

If you have blue or light-colored eyes, you can encounter eyestrain and sensitivity issues more strongly than your dark-eyed peers. Individuals with lighter skin have more color in their eye surfaces. Did you know, pigment helps protect the skin from fluorescent light and UV light effects.


Dim Light High-Risk Factor

Dim Light High-Risk Factor

Working under bright lights in a dimly illuminated environment can be just as uncomfortable. Dim light can affect eyesight and make your eyes feel tired. Not to mention, lack of sufficient light affects productivity.


Tips to Tackle Eye Sight Issues

Tips to Tackle Eye Sight Issues

Healthy LED lighting will help you avoid issues with your vision. One of the best decisions is to add lights to gloomy areas. When harsh lighting is an issue, it will also be more convenient to use LED lamps instead of overhead fluorescent lighting. Fortunately, switching off to the LED light bulbs may be a safe option if you're working on a cubicle farm. They make your day more relaxed.


Blink To Keep Your Eyes Moist Regularly

Blink To Keep Your Eyes Moist Regularly

Blinking regularly (for over a second) keeps the eyes moist, diminishes dryness and discomfort. As we gaze lovingly at our precious smartphone screens, we appear to blink about a quarter less than we usually do.
Keep your eyes wet about 10 times every 20 minutes or so and you should be good to go. If fluorescent lights bug your eyes, wear wraparound sunglasses or a visor.
Bonus Point: Blinking often reliefs & helps refocus your eyes, too.


Switch to Healthy LED Lighting

Switch to Healthy LED Lighting

Healthy LED lighting is the most energy-efficient bulbs, and the most upfront they charge without any hidden charges. No UV rays are emitted. There's a lot of myths about LED light bulbs.
Myth: Okay, this is the popular one! Only "blue" light is emitted by LED bulbs.
Reality: LED light bulbs are available in a variety of colors, however, and can provide warm light.
Myth: Most people believe that LED bulbs deliver very little if any, savings in energy.
Reality: It is a well know energy-efficient light bulb!
Research, however, shows that they use less than half the CFL bulb energy and the traditional incandescent bulb energy from 1/8th to 1/10th. Another common myth is that dimmers do not work with LED bulbs. That's totally bogus!


Prevent Dry Eyes Syndrome

Prevent Dry Eyes Syndrome

Most of the mild cases of dry eyes are triggered by computer use, reading, schoolwork, and office work. The use of artificial tears or other lubricating eye ointments slash drops may ultimately be the best dry eye treatment.
Artificial tears are usually the first step in the treatment of dry eyes.
There are many products that are available without a prescription for artificial tears. The difficulty of using artificial tears is not lack of product availability — it's the unnerving number of available labels and formulas to pick from.
How else can you protect your eyesight? Let’s read below!
• Reduce daylight by putting your screen away from windows.
• During the day, take regular breaks.
• Use your computer's anti-glare shield or add a computer hood if glare is a problem.
• Tell the eye doctor about a special anti-glare coating for glasses.
• In the sunniest times of the day, lower blinds and shades.
• Tell your colleagues to join you in looking for healthier options for lighting.
• It can help you avoid eyestrain by taking steps to protect your eyes at work.


Eyesight Issues in Digitalized World

Eyesight Issues in Digitalized World

Many of us spend eight hours in front of computers at work in today's digital age and several more at home surfing the internet or texting.
Looking for hours on digital screens can induce a syndrome of computer vision, a condition that causes eyestrain, dry eye, blurred vision, and headaches. Through following these instructions, one can effectively avoid computer vision syndrome:
How to go about it?
• Place the screen of your device in a position so that you have to look down at it. Not only does the lowering of your screen minimize eye strain, but it also decreases the tension of the neck and shoulder.
• Take at least every 20 minutes of a 20-second break.
• Make sure that your monitor is not too bright, as this may increase your eyesight issues.
• Place the lamp over a copy stand to avoid squinting to see papers & files

Protecting your eyes is vital and with a little preparation can be easily achieved. If you have further queries or suggestions regarding how bad lighting affects your eyesight, please share it with us in the comments below!