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Updated by cohen moodley on Feb 20, 2019
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"Conan the bacterium!!!" - The most radiation resistant organism in the world!!!!!

I just adopted the coolest bacterium !!
He holds the Guinness world record for being the toughest bacterium in the world!
he aids in Space travel , sewage treatment and biological clean up.
He is , Conan the bacterium or better known as Deinococcus Radiodurans!


Red-pigmented Deinococcus radiodurans

Red-pigmented Deinococcus radiodurans

Deinococcus radiodurans viewed under an electron microscope.
This looks like something you'd see on the surface of the sun!


Single colonies of Deinococcus radiodurans

Single colonies of Deinococcus radiodurans

This is what Deinococcus radiodurans looks like on an agar plate.

Deinococcus Radioduran

Press play!!!





Deinococcus radiodurans NEU2012 - microbewiki

Deinococcus radiodurans is a red-pigmented, non-motile, spherical bacterium that is 1-2 µm in size. It is a resilient bacterium, in that it is resistant to radiation, UV light, hydrogen peroxide, and many other DNA damaging agents. D. radiodurans was discovered in 1956 in Oregon in a can of processed meat exposed to gamma radiation. It has an appearance of four cells bound by a cell wall, each carrying multiple copies of its genome (4-10 copies per organism). D. radiodurans is a mesophile and is commonly found in soil near radioactive waste sites. When exposed to radiation, or dehydration, their multiple genomes give them a better chance of recovering a single genome sequence, which is necessary in recovering their entire genome. Their RecA proteins play a large role in splicing DNA fragments and in the prevention of overlapping in the sequence.

 Deinococcus radiodurans-World's Toughest Bacteria

order to truly understand Deinococcus
radiodurans, you have to start with the basics.  This prokaryotic
bacterium is red pigmented, nonmotile, and
positive. The color of the cells
reflects the red carotenoid pigment the bacteria produces.
D. radiodurans is approximately 1.5 to 3.5µm in
diameter and produces smooth, convex colonies that range in color from red to
pink.- list text here

Breakthrough Challenge 2017: Deinococcus Radiodurans

She's future of medicine, space travel, and wrinkle-free Grandmas; And her name is Deinococcus Radiodurans! #breakthroughjuniorchallenge