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Tim Weilkiens


Tim is a member of the executive board of the German consulting company oose, an MBSE coach, and an active member of the OMG and INCOSE community. He has written sections of the initial SysML specification and is still active in the ongoing work on SysML v1 and SysML v2.

As a coach, he has advised a lot of companies in different domains. His insights into their challenges are one source of his experience that he shares.

4Lists 4Favorites 39Followers 0Following Activity
  1. Popular SysML/MBSE Modeling Tools
    170.02k    91    376   
  2. SysML v2 Tools
    14.62k    1    69   
  3. MBSE Methodologies
    3.29k    1    42   
  4. Popular UML Modeling Tools
    47.68k    125    170