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Reviews of toddler balance bikes, no pedal bikes, push bicycles, wooden balance bikes and more for 2013 - 2014. . Balance training is a big deal for toddlers - all kids want to learn how to ride a bike. A balance bike is a bicycle that doesn't have pedals that parents can easily push behind with push training handle bars that are on the back. That's right - no more achy back from teaching your kids to ride a bike!
List of information, resources, and more to help you find the best balance bike for your child.
We have gotten so much mileage out of this bike. Our now 4 year old started on it when he was 2 1/4. Took to it well after a few tries and still bombs around on it. It's of great quality. He even took it down on a mountain trail (slowly) and now loves mountain biking! (The tires are hard plastic though so it's NOT a mountain shocks, etc) We now have another one at my parents' house for when the kids visit and are about to start our 22 month old on it as well. Would highly recommend.
When searching for a first bike for my 4 year old son, I found Kazam. It is a wonderful first bike.
Very well made, low center of gravity, attractive and sturdy, but light-weight. The foot rest in the center of the bike is key.
As my son is getting better and better with it, he is starting to put his feet on the center foot rest and thus learning to balance. Everyone at the playground asks to borrow his bike. I would highly recommend this bike. I think my son will be on a 'real' bike with pedals very soon.
My 3 yr old twins love the kroo wooden balance. They prefer if over the smart gear balance bike. The seat is lower so this bike fits small toddlers best. Assembling was very easy and the instructions were clear. Inexpensive, good quality balance bike.
Great balance bike comparison chart that compares the features of 5 different kinds of toddler/kids balancing bikes.
Information and reviews on the best balance bikes for toddlers and kids for 2013 - 2014.
List of resources to help you find the best balancing bike for your child to learn to ride a bicycle. These balancing bikes really work well! They are bikes with no pedals that parents can push. It's easier to teach your child to ride a bike with a balance bike.
How To Teach a Toddler to Ride a Bike Without Training Wheels - Best Balance Bikes For Toddlers - Reviews and Pictures, Best Top-Rated Balance Bikes for Toddlers - Reviews and More, and Balance Bike Reviews - Best Balance Bikes for Toddlers and Kids
the current 10 best balance bikes for toddlers and kids for the end of 2013 - early 2014.
Strider ST-4 No-Pedal Balance Bike by Strider (335)Buy new: $96.99 - $145.50 (Visit the Best Sellers in Balance Bikes list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
Prince Lionheart Balance Bike by Prince Lionheart (58)Buy new: $85.00 $54.39 16 used & new from $54.39(Visit the Best Sellers in Balance Bikeslist for authoritative information on thisproduct's current rank.)
Classic Balance Bike by Smart Gear (83)Buy new: $90.00 $69.99 33 used & new from $63.75(Visit the Best Sellers in Balance Bikeslist for authoritative information on this product'scurrent rank.)
Here are the best rated balance bikes for toddlers and kids to help them learn to ride a bike in the best way possible.
2013 -2014 Reviews, Ratings, and Comparison Review of the best of the best-selling and top-rated balance bikes.