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Grace Asagra


Grace Asagra, RN, MA, Filipino Hilot, QRA Practitioner, author: The Healing Dance: A Fusion of Massage and Asian Healing Arts, and Owner of Podcast- Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss.

Grace has been in the holistic wellness practice close to four decades. She remembers in the 1980’s when she first arrived in NY to work as a nurse, when meditation, yoga, smoothie, self-care practices and foods like greens, oatmeal with cinnamon, dried fruits and nuts were not a buzz word. She had studied under experts who were trailblazers in bringing truth in the corruption and flaws of mainstream healthcare system. She never stops studying. It was in the 1990’s when she decided to go beyond consumerism of holistic ideas but to take active role in educating and empowering those who are serious in reclaiming their health through alternative energy medicine and holistic integrative healthcare.

With Grace’s science background as a seasoned Registered Nurse and her immersion in her family’s practice in indigenous medicine in the Philippines, she powerfully blends pre-ancient Indigenous/Ancestral healing practices, conventional Western medicine and Quantum Energy Science in upgrading our DNA to reclaim it’s original blueprint connected to the Source. She came a full circle in her nursing training and experiences from community/public health care in the Philippines using herbal treatments, food medicine and rituals to hands-on clinical practice in Critical Care Nursing for 20 years and now back to Public/Community Health Care working with clients diagnosed with Dementia, their caregivers and all others who reach out to use Alternative Energy Medicine.

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