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Updated by Latifah Miles on Mar 28, 2016
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Ask A Black Chick Series

If you've missed any of the Ask A Black Chick questions, find all of them right here!

#AskABlackChick: Why Can't Black Women Turn A "Me" Into A "We"?

Anonymous Asks: The responses from the Ask A Black Chick community were amazing. Not going to lie, these answers gave me some perspective on relationships that I hadn't even thought of before. Patricia says: I know this is a topic for many successful black women. A relationship is work! It is time, can be emotionally…

#AskABlackChick: How Do I Find The Right Mentor?

Anonymous Asks: This is a question that many, many young professionals and creatives alike struggle with. Having a mentor that has gone through similar struggles as you to get to where you want to be can be just the motivation you need. Jessica says: I think this is something I am still looking for myself....

#AskABlackChick: Why Do Black Women Say They Don't Need A Man?

Big Joker NJ asks: Without a doubt, this has to be one of the top questions black men ask black women. Why do we act like we don't need men or companionship? Don't we know how crappy that makes men feel? Here's what our community has to say: Ashlee says: From my experience, there are...

#AskABlackChick: How Can White People Be Black Allies?

Emily F. Asks: I definitely believe there a white people out there that empathize with the black struggle. Throughout history, there have been white allies in the fight for racial equality. I think, now, a lot of white people aren't sure the part they should be playing.

#AskABlackChick: Is It Cultural Appropriation When Black People Straighten Their Hair?

Anonymous Asks: This is a question I have heard no less than a couple hundred times. I think a lot of the time people forget why hair straightening in the black community became a thing. This is what the community had to say: Diana says: I personally believe that the beauty of the human race lies...

#AskABlackChick: Why Don't Black Women Support Other Non-Black People of Color?

K Asks: This was such an interesting question. It was lengthy so I had to cut it down but here is the question in it's entirety so that you don't miss a beat: "I am Hispanic and I often back the Black Lives Matter movement in any way I can, by going to protests and…

#AskABlackChick: How Do I Recover if I Accidentally Say Something Racially Insensitive

Anonymous Asks : Sometimes, without meaning to, people not of color can make comments that are racially insensitive and be labeled as a racist. What do you do if that's you? How do you not take the offense, in turn making the situation that much worse? Ashlee says: I respect you and others that are…

#AskABlackChick: Why Do People Say Reverse Racism Doesn’t Exist?

Jessica Asks: I think reverse racism and the fact that is actually a made up thing is hard for people to understand. I mean, no one brings up reverse racism on it's own. It is only used as a defense for actual racism.  Ashlee says: “Reverse Racism” is a term that has been thrown around…

#AskABlackChick: Why Do Black People Say the N Word?

Anonymous asks: This is an age old question that I hear non stop. Why do black people choose to use the word nigger or variations of it like nigga (no need to disguise what we are talking about) when it is a word with hateful roots. Let's talk about it then: Eshe says: There's only…

#AskABlackChick: How Are Black People Influenced By The Idea of “Acting White”

Anonymous Asks: The actual question was quite long but very necessary. Here is the unedited question: "This question is more generalized towards the black population. I have heard and seen many times in society that black people are accepted more when they act "white". I've learned that this means they appear to be educated, dress…

#AskABlackChick: Is it Insulting to Compliment a Black Woman on Her Hair?

Laurie asks: I think this can be incredibly confusing because a compliment should be harmless. Of course, though, there is always more to the issue. Ashlee says: I don't necessarily think that it is wrong to compliment someone who has a different hair texture than yours. I have been complimented by men and women who…

#AskABlackChick: Why Isn’t the Black Community Supporting Bernie Sanders?

FeelintheBern asks: Bernie Sanders was active during the Civil Rights movement, marched with MLK, and seemingly cares for the black community but why aren't we backing him? Ashlee says: There are many different areas a presidential candidate must touch in order to be appealing to a certain voter group. Simply marching with Dr. Martin Luther…