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Updated by Judith Conforti on Oct 10, 2017
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Avatar Generators

A list of favorite Avatar Generators to use with your student/kids.

Mii Generator - ceate your own "Mii", the avatars characteristic of the Nintendo Wii

#Miigenerator #techtools #education #avatargenerator #webtools


A fun tool offered by the New York Zoo and Aquarium. At this site, you can build an avatar using all of the usual eyes, mouth, and clothes, but what's the fun in that?Instead, you can "build your wild self" by giving yourself the appendages and body parts of wild animals. You can become a fun part-human, part-animal character that your friends will notice and everyone online will be talking about. And the beauty of this generator is that you're not tied down to using it on just this site. Once you're done, you'll have the option to email it to a friend, save it to your desktop, or print it out so that you can actually have a paper copy of your avatar to all of your friends.


For kids that love Legos, the Mini-Mizer is the perfect solution. The motto of the site is, "Picture Yourself in Plastic." All you have to do is choose the hairstyle, clothing, and accessories that make the little Lego character look like you, and you're done!You can really have fun with this one, and you can choose from a variety of backgrounds. If you intend to use the avatar throughout the web, it's best to stick to one of the solid color backgrounds. Keep in mind though, there is no export feature. You actually have to take a snapshot of the screen and then copy and paste the character into your favorite image editing program where you can save it as an image file.

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Are you into art, or a little bit eccentric? Share your creative personality by creating an avatar at PicassoHead that looks like it was an image created by Picasso himself! This is probably one of the most unique avatar generators on the web. Unlike other generators, you aren't building an entire body. You are building a face by piecing together different facial features into what some might call a work of art, and others might call a very odd-looking character. Either way, you'll end up with a personal avatar that's different and interesting.

DoppelMe - Free Dynamic Avatars

Create great looking avatars for your website or social network. This generator is a fast and easy one that creates a fun cartoon character kids will love. Doppel Me is named after the "doppelganger", the mythical ghostly double that looks identical to a living person. Basically, this tool lets you build an avatar that can serve as your virtual, online doppelganger!


Face Your Manga

Digibody's Caricature Maker

Digibody's Caricature Maker- Use the components of a caricature to create your unique caricature avatar.