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Updated by Ric Dragon on Nov 07, 2013
Ric Dragon Ric Dragon
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Twitter Curation Tools

List of twitter curation tools, for testing - for Marketing Land article


Storify @storify

Create stories using social media. Turn what people post on social media into compelling stories. Collect the best photos, video, tweets and more to publish them as simple, beautiful stories that can be embedded anywhere.

Listly @listly

Listly helps bloggers and publishers engage readers with continuously evolving viral lists

Twylah @twylah

Twitter marketing and Twitter brand pages for companies, small businesses, nonprofits, and celebrities. Get more followers, engagement, results, and action metrics. Showcase your brand's trending topics and tweets. Twitter fan pages for brands and celebrities. @SmallRivers

Turn Twitter, Facebook and RSS feeds into online newspapers in just a few clicks.


Curate visual collections of the best web content found on Twitter and other social platforms. NOT ACCEPTING NEW USERS AT THIS TIME!!! @scoopit | Easily Publish Gorgeous Magazines

Easily Publish Gorgeous Magazines. Leverage Curation to increase your visibility. Give persistence to your social media presence.

Twiangulate to analyze the connections between friends and followers

Twiangulate searches, analyzes and maps connections between Twitter friends and followers.