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Updated by Jackson Middleton on Jul 23, 2020
Headline for Resource List | Season 2 Episode 9 | Richard Finnie | Because Money
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Resource List | Season 2 Episode 9 | Richard Finnie | Because Money

Here is the resource list from the Because Money episode featuring entrepreneur and guest Richard Finnie. Some books, some websites, some ideas... have a resource you think should be added to the list, go ahead, throw it in the queue and we'll have a look!

The Launch - Powering the next generation of Canadian Entrepreneurs.

Powering the next generation of Canadian Entrepreneurs.

#Launch12in12 - The Launch

Building a business can be intimidating. We convince ourselves that there are too many steps. We convince ourselves that it's too complicated. We convince ourselves that it's just TOO MUCH WORK. The truth is though,...

The Launchcast Archives - The Launch

What does it take to start a business? The Launchcast is your backstage pass to the entrepreneur's journey.

Stop reading about Zuck - The Launch

I'll be honest, I used to read all the stories. Zuck and Facebook's billon dollar IPO. Branson and his private island. Musk basically being the equivalent of a real-life Tony Stark. They were "the guys". All my start-up aspirations were based on the premise of coming up with the next million (or billion) dollar idea.



Richard Finnie (@RichardFinnie) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Richard Finnie (@RichardFinnie). Doing a lot of things is my thing. If I'm lacking a coffee, things may get ugly. @thelaunchca @packetwire @startup_tees @lunchspark @shopgearca. Regina

  • I am wearing a kilt right now and have consumed coffee today. Family Man. Innovator. Foodie. List Maker. Marketing consultant living on Vancouver Island. I don't own pants.

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