Listly by Jakub Prószyński
Raport Fanpage Trends. Sotrender - lepsze decyzje w marketingu w social media. Analizy, badania, optymalizacja oraz dopasowane rekomendacje dla Facebooka, YouTube'a i Twittera.
W kolejnej części naszego podsumowania roku w mediach i marketingu zajmujemy się branżą twórców internetowych. O najważniejszych wydarzeniach minionych 12 miesięcy i prognozach na rozpoczęty rok mówią znani blogerzy, youtuberzy i analitycy tego rynku.
The funeral of Motörhead frontman Lemmy Kilmister was watched by some 280,000 people live on YouTube this weekend. In a bid to discourage thousands of fans from turning out at the church in LA, the band used its Facebook page to give details of the livestream on Saturday.
"Hunger keeps inventing new problems" is the first part of the tagline for Snickers Crisper, a new product extension from the Mars brand. But it's probably more accurate to say that BBDO keeps inventing problems which it then attributes to hunger, and which then get solved with Snickers products.
Over a year ago, Facebook bought LiveRail, a "monetization platform for publishers, broadcasters, and mobile app developers" to drive forward its video ad business. Now, as the company has stopped taking customers on LiveRail, to instead focus on Facebook Audience Network. Also Read: Video Monetisation on Facebook? You Got It!
Haven't seen sick burns like this since Anakin Skywalker. View "The Sass Awakens as "Emo Kylo Ren" and "Very Lonely Luke" Clash on Twitter" and more funny posts on Dorkly
redakcja Od kiedy w Londynie można napić się naprawdę dobrej kawy? Od kiedy bracia Costa założyli palarnię kawy i kawiarnię przy Old Paradise Street. To tam stworzyli wolnopaloną mieszankę o wyrazistym smaku - Mocha Italia... Tak zaczyna się podróż do świata COSTA COFFEE, do którego zaprasza najnowszy spot reklamowy marki.
Automatyczny upload zdjęć ze smartfona to zmora, która była częścią Facebooka od 2012 roku. Przerabialiśmy różne wariacje tej opcji, lecz na szczęście Facebook postanowił ją wyłączyć. Całkowicie i u wszystkich. Synchronizacja zdjęć z Facebookiem to pomysł sprzed zaledwie trzech lat, choć przyświecała mu idea, która dziś może uchodzić za archaiczną.
News just in that's strictly for the one-percenters among us: Facebook Mentions, the service for verified users of the global social network, is now available for users with Android devices. The app isn't open to all, you need that elusive blue tick of verification/fame to get it.
After expanding access to President Obama's State of the Union address by making it available on Amazon for on-demand streaming, the White House is now targeting the younger demographic with the launch of an official account on social media service Snapchat.
If you use social media to help promote your business, then chances are you have used hashtags at some point. These content labels can be a great way to promote and locate topics of interest. Though hashtags can certainly be abused ... #HelloPersonWithEighteenOrMoreHashtagsOnOnePost!
You might have thought Tinder was a sort of utopic free-for-all where you were just happily swiping left or right like flicking through a dating pack of cards. But of course it's not. Tinder's controversial CEO Sean Rad has finally revealed in an interview with Fast Company the existence of an algorithm that works out your "desirability" score and makes date suggestions accordingly.
Twitter is reportedly developing a new product that allows brands to collect tweets from users and re-purpose them to help promote themselves on the social network, reports Digiday. The product, according to advertisers who were shown a sneak peak at CES this month, is being touted as a "brand enthusiast gallery", where companies can cherry-pick tweets gathered by Twitter on their behalf.
If you thought ad awards were all about the money-well, it seems you were right. In a cheeky stunt, Canadian agency Rethink is crowdfunding a campaign whose credit list is for sale. For just $1, you can add your name to the campaign's credits as a member of the "Creative Team."
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast, and he's gotta be fresh from the fight ... Oh, and he'd better not be drunk off his ass!
Your Twitter timeline is about to get noisier. Live stream videos from Periscope will soon autoplay inside of tweets on Twitter's app and website, the company announced Tuesday.
Spotify is joining forces with Genius to give fans a look behind their favorite hip-hop songs. The music streaming giant is pairing up with the popular annotation and lyric site for a new playlist feature called "Behind the Lyrics (Hip Hop)."
Drink Jack Daniel's z Colą oficjalnie został nazwany „Lemmy", na cześć niedawno zmarłego wokalisty i jedynego niezmiennego członka zespołu Motörhead. Wojciech Samborski Redaktor, NowyMarketing Wszystkie teksty autora Foof & Beverage, magazyn uznawany za jeden z najważniejszych, poświęconych przemysłowi spożywczo-alkoholowemu oficjalnie zmienił nazwę popularnego na całym świecie drinka, przyrządzanego z Jacka Daniel'sa w połączeniu z Colą, na „Lemmy".
You might have noticed that Uber has started to pay attention to your habits. For example, the app often suggests my home address as a destination whenever I request a driver. Google is today rolling out similar functionality across Google Maps for Android.
Pushbullet, an app that started life letting you send files between your devices and that is now transforming itself into a fully-formed messenger, has been updated to allow users to send picture messages via SMS, as well as improving reliability of regular text messaging.
Joanna Jędrzejczyk pojawiła się w materiale promocyjnym firmy Samsung 14 będzie wiadomo więcej, ale cieszę się, że projekt ujrzał światło dzienne. Bardzo mocno liczę na to, że będzie to prawdziwy przełom w podejściu marketerów do MMA w Polsce.
Facebook video was huge in 2015, and is expected to grow even bigger this year. However, it's not alone. The social network has another contender for the top spot, and it's called Snapchat. Also Read: The Rise Of Video Marketing In 2015 According to Business Insider, Snapchat users are responsible for 7 billion video clip views...
Twentieth Century Fox is determined not to take its marketing for Deadpool at all seriously. And it's making for one of the more entertaining movie campaigns in a while. The most recent development happened Wednesday, when Patton Oswald posted a photo of a Deadpool billboard in Los Angeles with a skull emoji, poop emoji and a blocky letter L.
For years, the Axe brand was pretty one-dimensional. It appealed to bros with comical, hyperbolic ads about how Axe would turn them into chick magnets.
Płodność twórcza Felixa Kjellberga nie zna granic. Szwed ogłosił wczoraj na swoim kanale (video poniżej) kolejny projekt - Revelmode. Znając więcej szczegółów na temat wspomnianej inicjatywy oraz biorąc pod uwagę ambicję i skuteczność w realizowaniu celów szwedzkiej gwiazdy Youtube'a, można w ciemno zakładać, że po raz kolejny stworzy on niezwykle popularną treść i przy okazji napełni swoją kieszeń kolejnymi zielonymi banknotami.