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Updated by edward-mallon on Feb 28, 2018
Headline for Best Arduino Data Logger Projects on the Web
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Best Arduino Data Logger Projects on the Web

I thought it would be nice to give a shout out to the many other great data logger projects out there, ranging from minimal raw-chip builds all the way to custom PCB designs. I am moderating this list for builds based on the Atmel 328p processor (or those that are code compatible), so that the lessons learned in one project help people working to develop their own instruments with the Arduino platform.

Riffle: open source data logger

Most project activity is happening on Github, visit the Riffle project there: January 2016 status and schedule: The Riffle is primarily a data logger, designed to be compatible with many kinds of sensors.

☀ How to Build an Arduino Data Logger ☀ | Underwater Arduino Data Loggers

A full set of DIY data logger builds, and a paper describing the logger functions in detail at:

Open Source Building Science Sensors

The Open Source Building Science Sensors (OSBSS) project demonstrates how to build inexpensive building environmental and operational sensors for long-term studies of the indoor environment using open source hardware and software.

Oceanography for Everyone

The tools necessary to study, explore, and understand the ocean are often inaccessible to the vast majority of ocean users. By nurturing a community of open-source hardware developers, scientists, and ocean stakeholders, we want to change that.

Gammon Forum : Electronics : Microprocessors : Solar powered Arduino

Gammon Forum : Electronics : Microprocessors : Solar powered Arduino

Open Wave Height Logger

OWHL is a project originally dreamed up by Jarrett Byrnes and Ted Lyman at UMass Boston. Early on they contacted me for my thoughts on how to accomplish the goal of making a cheap, long-life pressure sensor data logger that could be used to record ocean wave heights near shore.

TOC: Chapter 0 - Introduction Chapter 1 - Arduino I2C Chapter 2 - Continuous EEPROM Addressing (digression) Chapter 3 - Update and Sleep Design Chapter 4 - Clock Design and Sleep Investigation Chapter 5 - Gallery Chapter 6 - Results Chapter 7 - Final Report Chapter 8 - Followup 1 Overview Make Magazine is running...

Sun Logger | Make: DIY Projects, How-Tos, Electronics, Crafts and Ideas for Makers

Learn how to add persistent storage to an Arduino, add a light level sensor, and turn it into a data logging gadget. A data logger is a device that is left to run for long periods of time, making regular measurements of external sensors.

Solar arduino - heliosoph

This page is a summary and a table of contents for my projects that deal with powering an arduino system with photovoltaic energy. As these boards run on rather low power the arduino platform is a good choice when you want to create a PV-powered microcontroller system.

Tube logger by Geir Andersen

This is yet another of my data loggers for my brother. He needed a low power data logger that would fit inside a 50mm acrylic pipe. So this is what I came up with. It is a circular Arduino on a 46mm diameter PCB. Everything runs of 4xAA rechargeable batteries.

Stroud Water Research Center: Critical Zone Observatory Project

Arduino datalogger Implementing a large scale sensor deployment for watershed assessment has previously been limited by the high cost of the datalogging and communication infrastructure. The Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory (CRB-CZO) is overcoming the obstacles to large near-real-time data collection networks by using Arduino, an open source electronics platform, in combination with XBee ZigBee wireless radio modules.

DIY turbidity meters - Hackteria

Pretty much the same as below, just made new designs, larger and easier to produce locally here in Yogya. added speaker and VU meter extension... testing it now!

Data logger Search at

More logger projects than you could shake a stick at on the Instructables community site. Feel free to transpose the best of them to this list, but use your judgement as to which ones really make the cut.

Adafruit Data Logger Shield

Our latest version of this popular shield has all the features of the popular original, but comes pre-assembled. You can be up and running with it in less than 15 minutes - saving data to files on any FAT16 or FAT32 formatted SD card, to be read by any plotting, spreadsheet or analysis program.

Palm Arduino II

I have a "through the Looking Glasses" idea of making another version of Palm Arduino. Since this design derived from Palm Arduino, I will called it Palm Arduino II. This Palm Arduino, the Second, will be the combination of Palm Arduino and Portable 5V Voltage Regulator.

Open Source Data Loggers | Open Technology for Biodiversity

Open Source Data Loggers is a project to develop Open Hardware and Open Source Software tools for biodiversity scienctists that integrate into the existing landscape of biodiveristy informatics.

Arduino Project: Advanced Datalogger with ATMEGA328, BMP180, DHT22, BH1750 and sd card

In this video we build an Advanced Data Logger with Arduino. We use a DHT22 temperature and Humidity Sensor, a Bmp180 barometric pressure sensor and a BH1750 light sensor. The project store the data in a micro SD card and can run on batteries for around 2 weeks.

How to Add an SD Card Data Logger to an Arduino Project - Envato Tuts+ Computer Skills Tutorial

Arduino projects can vary widely from home brew managers to weather stations to advanced home automation. Often you'll want to log data from these projects. In this tutorial I'll show you how to integrate an SD Card and a real time clock module into a project to allow time stamped data logging.

Gammon Forum : Electronics : Microprocessors : Temperature and humidity sensor - battery powered

Gammon Forum : Electronics : Microprocessors : Temperature and humidity sensor - battery powered