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Updated by Jessica Carlton on Jan 01, 2018
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S.S. - Civil War

Here are games and activities to help with your knowledge and understanding of the Civil War.

Civil War - BrainPOP

The American Civil War was the bloodiest war in the history of the United States. This BrainPOP movie discusses what led up to the Civil War, who was involved, and who led each side. Learn about the major battles and trends of the war, and some of its major players, including Abraham Lincoln, Robert E.

Civil War 150 Interactive --

Explore the Civil War 150, an immersive interactive on Find highlights on the people, places, events and technologies that defined the American Civil War.

Civil War Interactive Poster |

As explorers of the past, we can look at a variety of sources-maps, letters, diaries, objects, music, images, and more-to piece together a sense of the Civil War's complexity. The images and related resources from this poster are designed to get students thinking about how primary sources can help uncover stories about the past.

Faces of US Civil War

Images from the US Civil War, 1861-1865, in a collection newly acquired by the US Library of Congress.

People of the Civil War

Social Studies Home > Activities > The United States > Unit 7

Battle of Gettysburg

Animation of Civil War Battle of Gettysburg

Civil War for Kids

This section provides links to detailed descriptions of the major causes and effects of the war. Many of these pages also feature online or printable activities.

Abraham Lincoln for Kids

This section includes a three-page series on Lincoln’s early jobs, move to Springfield, marriage, and blossoming law practice.