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Updated by Aaron Khan on Dec 15, 2015
Aaron Khan Aaron Khan
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How to Survey a Land and Know What's Its Boundaries

Here, you will learn how to survey your own land and know up to where is your land's boundaries.

Australia: Whose land is it anyway: boundaries, adverse possession and encroachment

Boundary fences are a common source of disputes between neighbours. Usually the dispute centres around the type of fence, the cost of the fence and who will pay for it, and whether the fence requires replacement or building at all.

How to Survey Land

Like most of MOTHER EARTH NEWS readers, you're probably into doing things on your own. Some skills, though, are just too complex and specialized to be realistic propositions for the lay person and most likely you'd expect surveying to be one of them. Not at all!


Surveyors work with elements of geometry, trigonometry, regression analysis, physics, engineering, metrology and the law. They use equipment like total stations, robotic total stations, GPS receivers, retroreflectors, 3D scanners, radios, handheld tablets, digital levels, GIS, surveying software and programming languages.

How to Get a Land Survey

How to Get a Land Survey. Land surveys are of utmost importance when purchasing new land or building anything new on your land. If you are seeking a loan to buy a piece of property, your lender will almost certainly require that the land...

How to Survey Your Property Lines using a GPS Receiver

Michael T. asks: How can I use ExpertGPS to survey my property lines? It's relatively easy to find all of the corners of your property using ExpertGPS. You'll need a plat, mortgage map, or legal land survey of your property, showing the distance and bearing from each corner to the next.

How to 'Survey' Your Own Land

Disclaimer: Warning! Danger! Peligro! If you are a licensed, professional land-surveyor, reading this article may be a threat to your health and well-being as it contains enough estimates, approximations and out-and-out guesses as to risk inducing headaches, vomiting and/or hypertension in individuals trained in the exacting science of Civil Engineering.

How To Survey Land

Knowing how to survey land and find your own property markers can save you a lot of time, money and trouble. Surveys can be expensive. Of course, by law, only a licensed surveyor can set or move property lines. But you can find the already-established property lines by yourself.

Land, Boundary, Fence, & Re-Establishment Survey and Adverse Possession

When purchasing land, make sure you're as fully informed as possible with a Hatch & Hatch property boundary survey. This could save you thousands later.