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Updated by xovolverglam on Jan 18, 2016
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11 Ways to Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions this Year


Keep It Moving

Keep It Moving

It's super important to not get bogged down in one thing, this is where you'll start to plateau, you gotta keep the inertia goin. For instance, let's say your resolve to exercise more. Just because you missed one day of exercising doesn't mean you stop all together. This is really hard for me to do, but it's so important not to start guilt tripping / beating yourself up so much that you just don't want to do anything. Try this: counter your criticism with something great. Balance is key. Too much praise and not enough criticism will lead to a false sense of success, while too much criticism and no praise will lead to being miserable. Strive to get to that well-balanced happy medium! Via Tsangtastic


Write Em' Down

Write Em' Down

Writing down your resolutions really helps to make them stick. The quote I live and die by is "Write it down, make it happen." This is simply so true! I know we're all tech obsessed over here, but truly use your writing utensils on this one. There's something about touching a pen to a piece of paper that freezes it in your brain. So the next time you wanna get that thing done that you've been putting off for weeks, write it down, and watch when it gets done! Via Shop Bella C


File Em' in Your Planner

File Em' in Your Planner

Sitting down and planning out your day is a necessary evil. Now, there are those who literally turned this habit into a hobby. However you feel (I personally have a love/hate relationship with it), planning out your day for tomorrow really kicks your goal getting into high gear. Via Gala Darling


Stop Trying to be Too Perfect

Stop Trying to be Too Perfect

Perfectionism is overrated! Not to mention boring and impossible. In fact Elizabeth Gilbert talks about Perfectionism as "Fear in high heels." So what if you didn't check off everything on your to do list yesterday night? Tomorrow's a new day to rededicate yourself to the pretty hustle. Keep going, remember perfection is for losers, imperfect is the way to be. Via We Heart It


Set Plenty of Alarms

Set Plenty of Alarms

Audio is everything, and hearing that buzz is just the thing to ward off forgetting those important to-do's. It's saved me on so many occasions so set those alarms!Via Micah Gianelli


Tell Your Girls

Tell Your Girls

Get your girls involved on this one. It's easier to hold fast to a goal when you've told your group about your goal, and we all know our true friends ain't afraid to get really real with us when it comes to holding us accountable! Via IG: yazzabel


Know Your Why

Know Your Why

It's always a good idea to remember why you want to create this shift in your life. This might come in the form of an inspiration board, a Pinterest dream board, a just a letter to yourself on a sticky note, but always, always, always remind yourself, daily why you want to create this shift this year. You'll be less likely to give up when you remind yourself why you first started. Via REPEATvintagesalon


Celebrate Small Milestones

Celebrate Small Milestones

Everyday is a celebration! No really, look at every day as a celebration. The more you start to train your brain to see some of the smaller wins, you start to feel more motivated to keep on the trend of winning. Celebrate every small milestone, even the smallest ones, they are just as important as the big ones in the grand scheme of things. Via Tassel Fairy Chronicle


Surround Yourself With Fellow Unicorns

Surround Yourself With Fellow Unicorns

You like fashio, makeup, technology, (that's why you're here right). Sorround yourself with women who share similar interests with you. You'll be sure to level up that much faster when you do. Via We Heart It


Track Your Journey

Track Your Journey

You may use your planner to do this, but tracking your journey is a great way to stay motivated throughout the year. Once you see how much progress you've made it's that much harder to turn back. Via We Heart It


Make Your Resolutions Fun Sized

Make Your Resolutions Fun Sized

If you're reading this, chances are you're a BIG dreamer but, make your goals fun-size! It's great to have big dreams, but we have to make these dreams actionable. So, whether you're looking to open up your own store on Etsy, or start a new online community, start everything off by breaking the big goals down into smaller, actionable steps. It makes things easier to digest and deploy, AND lessens the overwhelm! Via We Heart It