Listly by Kamil Naja
Informacje na temat marketingu, social media, pisania i tłumaczeń z ostatniego tygodnia
Join us at Entrepreneur magazine's Growth Conference, Dec. 15 in Long Beach, Calif. for a day of fresh ideas, business mentoring and networking. Seats are limited--Register now to secure your spot and receive exclusive reader rate (expires 12/8). Click fraud, a type of pay-per-click internet fraud, is becoming more robust within the digital marketing landscape.
This month, the Isis Books & Gifts shop in Denver was vandalized, apparently because someone associated their name with the ISIS terrorist group. This isn't the first time a company's brand name has been overtaken by a negative doppelganger.
If you are a freelance blogger, there might be dozens of articles waiting for you. And your goal is to provide high quality content as quickly as possible. That's why a lot of writers use smartphones and tablets and craft posts on the go.
You may have read my blog post from last year on the five things managers should stop doing right now. I thought that this time I would focus on the flip side by sharing things that made me successful with my teams. At times I speak specifically to managing in the software industry, but themes can be extracted and applied to managers in all industries.
Today's guest post is from Jordan Rosenfeld, author of A Writer's Guide to Persistence. You hear the word perfectionist bandied about a lot, but what does it mean? Are you a perfectionist if you only show your best work? Are you a perfectionist if you hone and refine and polish your work?
Predicting why organic traffic has declined year over year or month over month can be quite challenging, but it doesn't have to be. I have seen many companies (and some SEOs) correlate a drop in traffic with the date of a known algorithm update and assume that the site was hit by Penguin, Panda or Hummingbird, for instance.
Sometimes a lot of likes, comments and shares is not enough. Facebook wants to make sure people actually like the viral stories that pop up in their News Feeds. Today, the social network announced an algorithm update that will rank viral stories lower if enough people indicate that they are not interested in seeing them.
As marketers wrap up their strategies for this holiday season, search engine optimization (SEO) is obviously at the top of their to-do lists. But site search, Swiftype co-founder and CEO Matt Riley told me, is a different thing. So we pinged him for a few pointers.
The growth of mobile has become undeniable. The Google mobile-friendly algorithm update of April 2015 set off a firestorm of activity as sites struggled at the last minute to ensure that their pages were compatible with mobile. In 2016, sites will need to transition their mindsets from being just mobile-compatible to being mobile-optimized.
It's that time again. The countdown to Christmas. The countdown to 2016. This time of year always gets me to thinking about my marketing to-do list. It gets bigger every year (much like my children's Christmas lists).
As it turns out, I'm not the only SEO professional in the family. At 14, my daughter Chloe started creating a passive income stream, enviable to most teenagers, of up to $1,100 per month. She did it with only a few ingredients: a WordPress blog, a Google AdSense account and some basic SEO knowledge.
Time for some tough talk, ok? Bad content gets way more traffic than you do. I know you do not want to hear that. I know you care about making good content. I know you are doing everything you can think of to promote that content.
Yahoo has released its top searches of 2015, and judging from the results, 2015 was the year of the woman, with eight of the top ten most searched terms being female celebrities of one type or another. The No.