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Updated by olatz altzua on Dec 03, 2015
olatz altzua olatz altzua
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App Inventor

App inventor programaren bidez aplikazioak sortzeko ideia eta konponbideak aurkitzeko web helbideak

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Taller de Creación de Apps con App Inventor from Ikaskidetza Sarea

APP INVENTOR 2 - Informatika

Software hau instalatu aurretik gure ordenagailua hurrengo osagaiak dituela ziurtatu behar dugu. 1. Sistema eragilearen bertsioa: ■ Macintosh (con procesador Intel): Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 ■ Windows: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 ■ GNU / Linux: Ubuntu 8 +, Debian 5 + 2.


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App inventor

Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu's millions of monthly readers.

Android programatzen

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Android programatzen

Kaixo blogari eta irakurleoi! Azken urteko esperientziaren ondoren, azkenean ekin diogu blog hau sortu eta lehen sarrera idazteari. Azken urteko esperientzia diot, ia badelako urte bete Android sistema eragilearen inguruko proiektu berritzaile batean kolaboratzen hasi ginela Josema eta biok Lanbide heziketarako berrikuntza zentruan, Tknikan hain zuzen ere.

Designer and Blocks Editor | Explore MIT App Inventor

App Inventor consists of the Designer and the Blocks Editor. These are described in detail below.

Each component can have methods, events, and properties. Most properties can be changed by apps - these properties have blocks you can use to get and set the values. Some properties can't be changed by apps - these only have blocks you can use to get the values, not set them.

app inventor

Taller de Creación de Apps con App Inventor from Ikaskidetza Sarea

Aprende App Inventor

Aprende a programar aplicaciones para Android con MIT App Inventor Beta

Primeros pasos - App Inventor en Español

Aprende a desarrollar aplicaciones para Android con App Inventor. Manuales y tutoriales de App Inventor en Español.

App Inventor España - Tu App Inventor

Descubre como crear tu propia aplicación Android Sin tener conocimientos de programación con App Inventor.