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Updated by Ramona Nichols on Jul 10, 2017
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Rebranding Strategies and Resources

I'm on a rebranding journey. Here's a list of valuable resources to help me reach my goal, and maybe yours.

How to Successfully Rebrand Your Business

Evolution is inevitable. If your company is operating the same way today as it did when it was first launched, then you are stagnant, which means you are losing business. Change is very important.

Rebranding Strategies: A Step-By-Step Approach for Professional Services | Hinge

There are many reasons why a professional services firm might consider rebranding. Most of them are firmly rooted in a need to reposition the firm in the marketplace. It could be as simple as the merger of two firms or as complex as a major shift in target clients or business strategy.

How to Create Detailed Buyer Personas for Your Business [Free Persona Template]

Finance Manager Margie. IT Ian. Landscaper Larry. Do you know who your business's buyer personas are?

5 Free Blog Post Templates

Download 5 free blog post templates that any marketer can use to quickly create blog posts. All you need to do is fill in the blank.

Rebranding Essentials - Part 1: Why Rebrand?

Learn why rebranding is done in this first article in the Rebranding Process Essentials series from

Rebranding Essentials - Part 2: Rebranding Steps

In Part 1 of the Rebranding Essentials series, you learned about why rebrandings happen. If you didn't read that post to learn about the proactive and reactive reasons for rebranding, go and read it now. If you don't know why you're rebranding, you can't effectively execute the rebranding steps discussed in this post.

Rebranding Essentials - Part 3: Rebranding Research

In Parts 1 and 2 of the Rebranding Essentials series, you learned about why rebrandings happen and the 10 steps of rebranding. You can follow the preceding links to read those posts now and catch up.

Rebranding Essentials - Part 4: Rebranding Mistakes

Don't move forward with your rebranding initiative without familiarizing yourself with the rebranding mistakes you need to avoid. First, go back and read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of the Rebranding Essentials series. Those posts will help put the mistakes listed below into better perspective so your rebranding is destined for success not failure.

Rebranding Essentials - Part 5: Create and Launch the New Brand Identity

Rebranding doesn't begin or end with creating a new brand identity. However, it is an important part of the rebranding process. Once you've determined your rebranding goals, learned the steps of rebranding, done some rebranding research, and considered the rebranding mistakes that you don't want to commit, it's finally time to create and launch your new brand identity, messaging, image, position, and so on (depending on your rebranding goals).

Rebranding Essentials - Part 6: Measure, Research, and Tweak

You created your new brand identity and rolled out your rebranding to employees and consumers. Now what? That's what Part 6 of the Rebranding Essentials series teaches you, but first, go back and read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5, so Part 6 makes sense.

Why Rebrand: Part One | DME Marketing Blog

There are many reasons to rebrand and, like most business decisions, these various reason can be divided into two categories: proactive or reactive. Do you want to rebrand because you see a future change coming in your industry or do you need to rebrand now because you're dealing with the fallout from a significant action or event?

Rebranding Essentials: Part Two |DME Marketing Blog

Thanks for joining me for part two of our mini blog series on rebranding. If you missed "Why Rebrand: Part One" take a peek back at it before moving forward because your reasons for rebranding will play a large part in what is essential for your company to successfully rebrand.

DME's Rebranding Story: Part Three | DME Marketing Blog

Welcome to our third and final blog on rebranding! If you missed "Why Rebrand: Part 1" and "Rebranding Essentials: Part 2" take a look back at them before delving into DME's very own rebranding story! It was the early spring of 2012 and DME was having an identity crisis.