Listly by Kamil Naja
Marketing today is a new game. The "Mad Men" of the Madison avenue era of wine, whisky and women as inspiration, are now a distant but fond memory. But as much as the new dawn of digital and the rise of the social web have changed the landscape, some things have stayed the same.
In the realm of writing, one could easily confirm that blogging is more of a science than an art. Great content is key to any great blog, but if that's the only thing you have to offer, then your blog isn't likely to go anywhere.
Many people believe that blogs are meant only to drive people to your website. While making your website more searchable is a reason for having a blog, it is not the only reason to have a blog. You also want people to read your blog to get information about your industry.
You're riding down a dismal usa highway late at night and abruptly a squirrel darts out in front of you. You hesitate. You don't know if the squirrel is going to move left, right, stand nonetheless or run straight into you. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is like that.
We all - men, women, and children - spend huge amounts of time online every day. But there are potential health concerns, both psychological and physical, which can manifest due to our online addiction. In this post, Ekaterina Walter puts forward the case for disconnecting every now and then, a timely reminder heading into the holiday season.
Dotychczas nie poruszałem kwestii praw autorskich - zwłaszcza do zdjęć, ale nie tylko. W mailingu możemy przecież chcieć również wykorzystać inne utwory, np. literackie. Nawet wizualnie bardzo fajne zdjęcie nie musi być chronione prawem autorskim. Zdziwieni? Często myślimy o zdjęciu od razu jako o utworze, czyli o czymś, co jest chronione.
The question might fill you with anxiety as you try not to add up the minutes you spend on Facebook and Twitter. How can you make the most of your time when you sit down to work? Many freelancers get paid for their work on a project basis, regardless of how long it takes to complete tasks.
Black Friday, of course, is a con. But it's also a symptom of a terrible trap we've set for ourselves. Consider the joy a little kid has the first time he spends his own money to buy an ice cream cone.
When you manage a startup, days can fill up fast. And as the company changes, so will your role as CEO. Your work responsibilities can shift from dealing directly with deliveries and customers, to dealing with investors and delegating tasks to hundreds of employees.
Do people review your business online? Ever receive negative or fraudulent reviews? To discover what to do when you receive a review that's not what you were expecting, I interview Dan Lemin. The Social Media Marketing podcast is an on-demand talk radio show from Social Media Examiner.