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Updated by JuleneOrtega on Oct 10, 2017
Headline for Youtube
10 items   1 followers   0 votes   5 views


YouTube - Wikipedia, entziklopedia askea.

YouTubek Adobe Flash formatua erabiltzen du bere edukia eskaintzeko. Bideoak bertan jartzea oso erraza denez, Video Googleren antzera fama handia du. YouTuberen barruan mota askotako bideoak aurki daitezke. Nahiz eta copyright duten bideoak jartzeko arauak egon, telebistako saioak, filmak, musika bideoak eta bestelako materiala daude.


YouTube logo

YouTube logo
Añadir un video de YouTube
  1. Accede a, elige el vídeo que deseas introducir en tu web y copia su dirección URL. 2. Entra en el editor web y abre la página en la cual deseas insertar el video. Consejo: Si quieres mostrar el video en todas las páginas de tu web, haz clic en "Plantilla web" y elige la opción "Configuración avanzada".
YouTube, el mediador de la cultura popular en el ciberespacio

The world more lives changes in the medias of mass, becoming them each time globalizations. On the other hand, the technology has modified the processes...

YouTube Música, la nueva aplicación de Google

Foto: Bloomberg. Google anunció este viernes la creación de un canal del sitio de vídeos por internet YouTube exclusivo para música, con el lanzamiento de una aplicación para móviles.





YouTube's music destination featuring top tracks and popular hits from a variety of genres. This channel was generated automatically by YouTube's video disco...


Youtube Rewind

Youtube Rewind

Get the official YouTube app for iPhone and iPad. See what the world is watching – from the hottest music videos to what’s trending in gaming, entertainment, news and more. Subscribe to channels you love, share with friends, and watch on any device.

With a new design, you can now have fun exploring videos you love more easily and quickly than before. Just tap an icon or swipe to switch between recommended videos, your subscriptions, or your account. You can also subscribe to your favorite channels, create playlists, edit and upload videos, express yourself with comments or shares, throw a video to your TV, and more – all from inside the app.

-Browse personal recommendations on the home tab
-See the latest from the creators you follow on the subscriptions tab
-Look up videos you’ve watched and your like history on the account tab

-Let people know how you feel with likes, comments, or shares
-Edit, add filters, add music, and upload your own videos all inside the app


Youtube Headquarters

Youtube Headquarters