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Updated by Nick Kellet on Nov 01, 2022
Headline for Official Community Listly Wish List
Nick Kellet Nick Kellet
Listly Curator Listly Curator
Listly Listly
86 items   101 followers   458 votes   21.05k views

Official Community Listly Wish List

What would you like to add or change?

Please add your own items if they don't exist.

Please vote and add comments.

This is not the place to log bugs. If you have a tech support issue you can comment on our Facebook page or email: support at list dot ly



Get Notified when your URL/blog is added to a list

Get Notified when your URL/blog is added to a list

Group Lists (Multiple Curators)

Group Lists (Multiple Curators)

It would be great if there could be a group list option (maybe people would have to pay for it) that allowed a list to have more than one main curators that are all able to do more on a list than just comment, add, or like. So they would be able to do everything on a list that the original list creator can do now.

Make list categories!

Please comment ideas for categories!

I'ver linked this to a list of my suggestions. Please add/comment/vote


exporting list content

exporting list content

When accumulating a good list over time with unique content, a pdf export feature of the list titles, comments and links would be nice, e.g. to share as a memo.

Integrate with HootSuite, as an app

For those of us who use HootSuite to manage content across platforms, it would be handy to be able to manage lists from a tab on the dashboard.


Be able to make picture lists!

Be able to make picture lists!

It would be great to be able to make lists that were just pictures, right now the pictures are to small to read any writing on them.

This is to allow you to feature Meme photos for example


Neater auto tweets please!

Neater auto tweets please!

It would be great if the Tweets generated automatically were neater, without cut off words and truncated Twitter @usernames


Be able to edit an item you add to someone else's list!

Be able to edit an item you add to someone else's list!

Right now when you add an item to someone else's list you can't edit them!


Local lists

Local lists

Be able to create and view lists by category meant for local audiences. This would allow for curation of content similar to the old dmoz directory days. Example: Milwaukee's best free wifi coffee houses


Top ten lists with more items below

Top ten lists with more items below

It would be great to have a list type that highlights a top ten with long entries but has a brief list of other items below that users can vote up. Like a cross between a long & short list!


Save your spot when you are looking throughout the trending lists and click on a list.

Save your spot when you are looking throughout the trending lists and click on a list.



You should just auto-follow any list that you comment on or add to. Maybe make this a setting you can change in your profile


Explore lists

Explore lists

Provide a way to discover and explore lists other than the trending lists. Possibly show me lists that my Facebook and twitter friends are creating.


Red notification button

Red notification button

I'd like to see a prominent notification button of what's happened with my list since my last login. ~Thanks!


"Recommended lists"

"Recommended lists"

Show me lists that are similar to a) lists I've visited before, b) incorporate words from my profile, and/or c) are visited/liked by people who are like me


Be able to bold/underline/italic words.

Be able to bold/underline/italic words.

When scrolling down the trending lists it should just keep loading instead of me having to click more!

When scrolling down the trending lists it should just keep loading instead of me having to click more!

When scrolling down the trending lists it should just keep loading instead of me having to click more!


accounts independent from twitter or facebook

accounts independent from twitter or facebook

Please allow users to create accounts independently from twitter or facebook. Otherwise, you force users that do not use these services to create an account there first, which may act as a barrier.


Disallow duplicate uploads for identical URLs

Disallow duplicate uploads for identical URLs

List this.

List this.

The option to embed on a website, the ability for anyone to add your page/content to a list, like the pinterest pin this button.


Show Twitter follow button on list header

Show Twitter follow button on list header

Add twitter account link to a list using just the @username

Add twitter account link to a list using just the @username

Easier than entering the full address, but should link to the Twitter account profile page :)


Easily add tweets

Easily add tweets

It would greatly enhance tweetchats if we could easily add a single tweet as an item to a list. Transcripts are too long and full of too much blather. Storify is a bit of a pain and not easy to use on the go.


Add character count to item name when creating items on lists.

Add character count to item name when creating items on lists.

Add specialized additional feedback columns!

Add specialized additional feedback columns!

So instead of "I know" and "I'm an expert", make these custom. And see what other lists use the same options