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Updated by Viveka vonRosen on Mar 16, 2013
5 items   4 followers   1 votes   610 views

Using LinkedIn to Promote Your Book

This list refers back to the #LinkedInChat we had on how to use LinkedIn to promote your Book. Please feel free to add your own ideas as well!

24 Ways to Promote Your Book on LinkedIn

Here are the questions for tonight's LinkedIn chat. As well as 24 tips to promote your business!


NickKellet A2 I think everyone has a game and a book inside them - It's just a matter of extraction

NickKellet A2 I think everyone has a game and a book inside them - It's just a matter of extraction

I think it would be cool to be published in any regard. Gives you mad street cred.

I think it would be cool to be published in any regard. Gives you mad street cred.
Infographics Tools - A Listly List

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