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Updated by Nadia Clury on Mar 16, 2013
Nadia Clury Nadia Clury
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Worlds best coffee List


Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopian Harrar coffee beans are grown on small farms in the eastern part of the country. Harrar coffee can have a strong dry edge, winy to fruit like acidity, rich aroma, and a heavy body. In the best Harrar coffees, one can observe an intense aroma of blueberries or blackberries. The Ethiopian Yirgacheffee coffee bean, is the most favored coffee grown in southern Ethiopia. It is more mild, fruitlike, and aromatic. Ethiopian Yirgacheffee coffee may also be labeled as Sidamo, which is the district where it is produced.


Hawaii Kona Coffee

Hawaii Kona Coffee

Kona coffee is the market name for coffee (Coffea arabica) cultivated on the slopes of Hualalai and Mauna Loa in the North and South Kona Districts of the Big Island of Hawaii. This coffee has developed a reputation that has made it one of the most expensive and sought-after coffees in the world.


Columbian Coffee

Columbian Coffee

There are two main regions of coffee production in Colombia: Medilln, Armenia, and Manizales (MAM) in the central region and Bogot and Bucaramanga in the eastern mountainous region. MAM coffees are known for their heavy body, rich flavor, and fine acidity. Bogot is less acidic than Medilln, but retains the richness and brightness. Bucaramanga is milder, often heavier bodied, and rich in flavor reminiscent of Sumatran coffees


Sumatra Coffee

Sumatra Coffee

Sumatran coffee beans are some of the heaviest, smoothest, and most complex coffees in the world. Coffee connoisseurs who want to buy Sumatran coffee typically look for aged Sumatran green coffee beans. These coffee beans enhance the earthy and spicy notes of regular Sumatran coffee, making it one of the most sought after coffees available.

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

Coffee grown on the eastern end of the beautiful island of Jamaica in the majestic range of hills known as the Blue Mountains. The coffee has blue green color, good acidity, intense aroma, and fairly good body