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Updated by andimsdale on Feb 18, 2017
Headline for Literacy and Transliteracy Resources
andimsdale andimsdale
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Literacy and Transliteracy Resources

Here are resources for 5th grade.

Blogs as Web Based Portfolios

This is a fantastic article about implementing blogs as portfolio assessments.

Information Transliteracy in the 21st Century Classroom

National Louis University's Gail Bush, Ph.D., professor in the National College of Education, describes how teachers need to adjust their skill sets to a concept of 21st century information transliteracy, where the validity of sources is more important than the message of sources.

K-12 : Student Resources : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

This is a great site for the students to use while developing their career portfolio.

Elementary Career Portfolio

This is the GA DOE's description of a 5th grade portfolio project.

GAcollege411 - Explore Careers

Career Finder - Search for careers using interesting topics like salaries, skills, and interests to name just a few. Compare Careers - Pick two careers that interest you and compare them side by side. Career Plan Builder - Mix and match your career and life options to create your future.