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Updated by petreporters on Dec 28, 2017
Headline for Pet Reporters Cat Newsletter Issue 10 - Werewolf Cats, Cats vs Baby Conundrum and More Cat Tales
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Pet Reporters Cat Newsletter Issue 10 - Werewolf Cats, Cats vs Baby Conundrum and More Cat Tales

Pet Reporters Cat Newsletter Issue 10 - Werewolf Cats, Cats vs Baby Conundrum and More Cat Tales

'Werewolf' Cats Exist... | Cat Pet Reporter

"Move over black cats, Halloween may have found a new featured feline. A “creepy” new breed of cat called Lykoi -- Greek for “wolves” -- have made their debut and earned the nickname “Werewolf Cat” because of their eerie resemblance to the fictional canine. But Dr. Johnny Gobble, Lykoi’s..." via ABCNews

Would you Rather have a Baby or Cat? | Cat Pet ...

"Matthew Inman, the brilliant cartoonist behind the highly successful Oatmeal webcomic, has created a hilarious comic that compares and contrasts the wonders of cat ownership with the horrors of having a baby." via BoredPanda

Evidence that a Cat's Fur Color is Linked to ho...

"Researchers at the University of California studied 1,274 cats to demonstrate how a moggie's colour is linked to how aggressive it is." via DailyMail

Ridiculous Pictures of Cats Photographed Mid-Sh...

"Click to see the pic and write a comment..." via 9Gag

Music for Your Cat's Ears | Cat Pet Reporter

"Soundtracks to purr along to? A new project creates music meant to be audio catnip." via NYTimes

Cats are Neurotic and they're probably also try...

"They are well loved for their immaculate fluffy coats and unique personalities but new research suggests cats do have a much darker side. A new study has found cats are similar to wild cats." via DailyMail

5 Great Ways to Celebrate National Cat Day | Ca...

"Time for National Cat Day celebrations! Your kitty will probably mark the day with a nap, but you can be as ambitious or as low-key as you like." via CNN

Cats are Scientifically Proven Holistic Healers...

"Cats can make great friends and companions. And they’re hilarious. You can laugh endlessly at some of the cat videos on YouTube. They seem to have almost taken over the internet in the last few years, especially with the rise of Grumpy Cat. We tend to think of cats as cute little furry things, ..." via SoulSpotTV

7 Cats You Never Knew Existed | Cat Pet Reporter

"Take a look at these small cats on National Cat Day." via National Geographic

17 Hilarious Cat-Book Memes | Cat Pet Reporter

"It’s a well-known fact that cats make great reading companions, but are they really just snoozing on your lap, or are they paying more attention than you think?" via BookBub