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Updated by TeachThought on Mar 19, 2025
Headline for 12 Of The Best Math Apps For Kids
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12 Of The Best Math Apps For Kids

12 Of The Best Math Apps For Kids

Motion Math: Pizza!

Create the pizzeria of your dreams in Motion Math: Pizza! Learn economics and mental math as you buy ingredients, design pizzas, set prices, and serve customers in this delightfully delicious simulation game.

Number Line, by the Math Learning Center

Number Line helps students visualize number sequences and illustrate strategies for counting, comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole numbers. The number line can be labeled with multiples of any whole number from 1 to 100.

Quick Math - Multiplication Table & Arithmetic Game

Kids and adults can’t put it down! Practice your mathematics while racing the clock in this innovative iPad app. Featuring advanced handwriting recognition and a beautiful interface, Quick Math will take your general arithmetic skills to the next level.

Learn Math For Free. Forever.

Prodigy Math Game - Free, Common Core aligned math game for grades 1-8

Prodigy's adaptive math video game is an entire virtual world where children can play and learn with friends at a pace that's right for them. Prodigy takes game-based learning a step further and provides teachers with useful features like:

*Assessment tools to align the game to the classroom and easily assign homework

*Real-time reports to easily track student progress and identify trouble spots

*Rich Common Core-aligned math content, including more advanced problem solving questions

*A built-in diagnostic test

Number Rack, by The Math Learning Center

Number Rack facilitates the natural development of children’s number sense. The movable, colored beads encourage learners to think in groups of fives and tens, helping them to explore and discover a variety of addition and subtraction strategies.
This virtual version of the manipulative is an open-ended educational tool, ideal for elementary classrooms and other learning environments that use iPod Touches, iPhones, or iPads.

  • Display 1 to 5 rows of beads, 10 beads per row. On the iPad, display up to 10 rows.
  • Hide beads with the resizable shade, which allows teachers or learners to model subtraction or difference problems.
  • Reverse the colors of rows 6 to 10 to distinguish (or not) groupings of 25 beads.
  • Use the drawing tools to annotate work and show understanding
  • Write equations and expressions with the text tool.
Pizza Fractions 1

In chef's pizzeria your child masters the concept of naming simple fractions using pizza picture examples. Designed for grade levels 2-5, Pizza Fractions provides introductory practice with fractions in an approachable game-like environment.

  • players presented with randomly generated fractions to identify by counting slices of pizza
  • entry level simple fractions build confidence with denominators 1-12, excluding sevenths and elevenths
  • adjustable level of difficulty allows beginners to start with easier fractions and progress as they learn
  • option to advance questions by shaking the device or using a button
  • score data and round timing allows you and your child to compete by alternating rounds
Montessori Numbers - Learn to Count from 1 to 1000 & Other Math Activities

Montessori Numbers is designed to help build sound mathematical foundations in children aged 3-7 by using a concrete, visually significant material inspired from the Montessori methodology.

Reflex Student

Reflex is a research-based system that helps grade 2-8 students to develop instant, effortless recall of math facts in all four operations. Students have already answered billions of math facts on Reflex, increasing their skill, confidence and test scores.

  • A highly adaptive environment that continually adjusts to create the optimal learning experience for every child
  • Fun and motivational game-based learning, so students enjoy using the program and take pride in their success
  • Outstanding results for students of all ability levels across grades 2-8.



On Sumdog, students have a great time - but their teachers retain full control over their work. At the simplest level, you can simply log in and choose which subject they'll play. If you have a little more time, you can edit the default Progress Hub™ skill plan to match the order in which you teach; Sumdog will lead your students through the skills in this order.

Number Pieces, by the Math Learning Center

Number Pieces helps students develop a deeper understanding of place value while building their computation skills with multi-digit numbers. Students use the number pieces to represent multi-digit numbers, regroup, add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

iTooch Elementary School App

With more than 25,000 exercises, iTooch Elementary is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Math, Language Arts and Science for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th Graders.

‣ Speech synthesis to help young users in reading and text comprehension
‣ Multi-player management
‣ Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs
‣ An embedded calculator

10 Frame Fill

"10 Frame Fill" provides children practice with recognizing additive "10 Families" (e.g., 1 and 9, 2 and 8, etc.). Set the 10 Frame to fill in sequence or randomly. Use contrasting color chips to fill the 10 frame as you determine the answer. Select to show a corresponding number sentence.