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Updated by mc06448 on Oct 21, 2015
mc06448 mc06448
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Blog Group 3

Information bombards us on a quanta (smallest unit of time) basis ( ). As intelligent adults, we all must do our very best to wade through this information and determine what is truthful. After utilizing our critical thinking skills, we are left with the basis for what we can learn and think of as the Truth.

The 4 items we were given to read and review were all very informative about how much information we are surrounded with on a daily basis. The You tube video was an excellent representation of how much information has changed over time. It has increased exponentially.

Without being prompted to do so by the instructor, have you ever stopped and thought about your learning goals for the semester? This is a very interesting step that we all tend to forget every now and then. During my undergraduate study, I never thought about doing that.

There is definitely a consistency throughout the four resources provided for our first module. I recognized a link connecting the articles referencing the enormous amount of digital information and the difficult task of sifting through the data we receive.