Listly by Fiona Beal
The Internet is currently full of posts about using Microsoft products effectively in the classroom. Here are a number of them from this past week:
''Stepping up with Sway' A teacher talks about her classroom experience with this great product "Since my last post on how I have been using Sway, I have used this software in a different way in my classes. As part of our genetics unit, a colleague (Mel) and I have designed our unit resources ..."
Create individualized lesson plans and feedback within OneNote for your students! Use this guide to get started: "In this interactive teacher's guide, you'll see how you can create interactive lessons with OneNote."
The Increasing Potential of Minecraft in Education' Many people have tried to persuade teachers to use Minecraft for Education as a learning tool, as claims that it has the power to enable students to explore, create and imagine in a completely different way than they could ever do in a traditional classroom (Edutopia)
Microsoft Education Australia's Teachers Blog - Support, tips, trick and stories from Australian Teachers for Australian Teachers
'5 Ways OneNote Helps Make Digital Lesson-Planning Easy' Teachers who use Office 365 often rave about the great ways that OneNote takes note-taking to new heights. And while the note-taking functionality is quite...
''How to create and collaborate (yes, really) online with Microsoft Excel' You can now easily create, edit, and collaborate on Excel spreadsheets and workbooks.' Until recently, in the world of online collaboration, Microsoft has been decidedly lacking. However, they have made impressive strides in online and cloud computing tools over the past year. For example, you can now easily create, edit, and collaborate on Excel spreadsheets and workbooks. This can be accomplished using the new Office Online or Office […]
'A New Free Site From Microsoft to Help Teachers Grow Professionally' Microsoft Educator Community is a new platform from Microsoft created specifically to help teachers and educators collaborate with each other, grow professionally and make a better use of technology in their teaching.
12 days to go! 'The Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert experience – closing date 30th October 2015' Give it a go!
Learn how computing research projects and computer-science technologies developed by Microsoft are integrated with products and used in other ways that benefit society..
'A Quick Tip for Better Webcam/ Skype Call Recordings'