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Updated by Stacey D on Apr 27, 2020
Headline for Basic Photography Tips
Stacey D Stacey D
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Basic Photography Tips

Learn basic photography tips and the benefits of hiring a professional photographer to capture those special moments in life.

Photography - Tips, Techniques and Inspiration

Everything you need to know about photography, from famous photographers, to types of cameras, to photography lighting and equipment.

Ralph Smith Photography, Houston, TX. 544 likes · 6 talking about this · 379 were here. We specialize in food and beverage photography, and we excel at...

Photography Tips for Beginners

This page contains a collection of articles we have written for those who are just getting into photography. These photography tips for beginners should hopefully help our readers to enhance their knowledge of photography and get the best out of their equipment. Please see our subscription page in order to subscribe to our website via ...

The Power of Photography

Thirty-four years before the birth of this magazine, the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard sourly prophesied a banal fate for the newly popularized art of photography. "With the daguerreotype," he observed, "everyone will be able to have their portrait taken-formerly it was only the prominent-and at the same time everything is being done to make us all look exactly the same, so we shall only need one portrait."