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Updated by Deborah Kay on Sep 19, 2016
Deborah Kay Deborah Kay
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120 best websites for writers in 2015

Listed in same order as original article (from the The I ♥ Writing Blog, by Amanda Lin). Upvote your favourite to change the ranking!
Posted August 27, 2015


Writer Unboxed

I can't believe I'm back! I missed you all, and the amazingly warm, welcoming and fabulously engaged and engaging community here at Writer Unboxed. I've spent the past year working on my new book, Story Genius, and thinking about one thing: story itself, not "writing." - Novel Writing, Screenwriting and Storytelling Tips & Fundamentals

The climax of your novel should leave readers with some combination of emotional and intellectual satisfaction, as well as any intended sense of unease - often creepy. Or if it's a part of a series, a compelling bridge into the next installment. Either way, you want your final act to resonate, to be memorable.

Write to Done | Unmissable articles on writing

Unmissable articles on writing

AdviceToWriters - Advice to Writers

Writerly Wisdom from a Dazzling Array of Literary Lights

The Writer Underground

I get several every week - those irritating emails suggesting the writer is breathlessly awaiting the chance to write a custom post for my blog. Because I'd rather not channel Google Juice to spammers and those too lazy to accumulate SEO results the old fashioned way, I ignore them.

Storyline Blog - Donald Miller

We believe that your story matters. Storyline is a community of people living a better story. Started by Donald Miller, Storyline is not only a blog but a conference.

Aliventures - Writing, blogging, and self-publishing

Writing, blogging, and self-publishing

The Write Practice

It's almost time for that annual, month-long festival for writers, NaNoWriMo. Are you going to subject yourself to the excitement and stress of writing a book at least 50,000 words long in a single month? If you're participating in NaNoWriMo this year, you may feel a bit nervous about whether you're going to be able to finish.

Write Better, Get Published, Be Creative |

What Makes NaNoWriMo Work When discipline and caffeine aren't enough to fuel you to the finish line, the writing community might just carry you the rest of the way. Before you decide to run a write-a-thon alone, read this. Frog in Your Throat You are flipping through the channels on TV one Saturday, waiting for your pizza to be delivered.

Welcome to!

Equipping Writers for Success Getting Around...

Writers Write: Books, Writing and Entertainment News

Writers Write is a professional resource for editors, journalists and writers which provides information, markets, job listings, writing news, events and discussion.

Writers In The Storm

The most important characters in a novel are the protagonist and antagonist. Les Edgerton defines their roles, showing you how to identify them in your story.

Goins, Writer

A blog by Jeff Goins about writing, marketing, creative business ideas, and making a difference in the world.

Welcome to! Not sure where to start? Consult our Top Topics for Writers. Some spots remaining for Poets & Writers Live: Independent Publishing in Portland, Oregon, October 17! Register today! Listen to the latest episode of Ampersand: The Poets & Writers Podcast featuring a conversation with Ann Beattie.

Live Write Thrive

Insights, inspiration, and practical advice for writers

Welcome to Winning Writers - Winning Writers

Find the best free literary contests and avoid bad ones. We sponsor the free Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest, the North Street Book Prize, the Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest, and the Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest.

Positive Writer

Note: This is a guest post by Becca Puglisi. Becca is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others. Her website, Writers Helping Writers, is a hub for all things description, offering tons of free resources to aid writers in their literary efforts.

The Christina Katz Writing & Publishing Studio

I teach writers to prosper by building solid, saleable, life-long career skills via classes and training groups that work even in a rapidly evolving publishing marketplace.

Make A Living Writing - Practical Help for Hungry Writers

There's nothing more exciting than getting a client nibble. It doesn't matter where it came from, in that thrilling moment when you open their email or hear them on the phone. Excitement! Visions of dollar signs dance in your head.

About Freelance Writing - Helping freelance writers make more money with their writing by Anne Wayman

Not long ago a writer was complaining to me that they hadn't heard from their best client in ages. Somehow it reminded me of this Irving Berlin classic, All Alone By The Telephone . Okay, I'm dating myself and I never really liked the song, but I identified - particularly when I was in high school waiting for a date to the prom.

The Renegade Writer

Sign Up for Our Mailing List 7,000 writers love the Renegade Writer mailing list...we think you will, too! You'll get inspiring & helpful Monday Motivations for Writers emails, a free e-book, and a checklist that will help you make the most of your time to succeed as a freelance writer.

The Freelancer, by Contently

Daily news, insights, and analysis on freelancing and the gig economy.




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Writers in Charge

One question I get asked a lot is that of how I got my very first client, and I'll be answering that question in today's article. Continue Reading " A reader asked: " Hi, Bamidele. I can gladly say that you've been an inspiration in my life.

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We're lawyers and nannies. We're graphic designers and temps. We're 1 in every 3 workers. We're building smarter solutions to broken systems. Together, we're the future of the economy.