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Updated by Modern Warrior on Jul 13, 2023
Headline for High Risk Programs by Omega Group Consultants
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High Risk Programs by Omega Group Consultants

This is a current list of programs offered by OGC to clients that are 'At Risk'. These Programs are offered at the Headland AL Campus and off site via our mobile training team. Check out Omega Group Consultants full line of courses and services HERE

At Risk Traveler Program (ART-P)

The At Risk Traveler Program is a client-centric and comprehensive curriculum delivered in both academic and practical application form and draws from a multitude of individual courses specifically selected to address criminal threats a domestic and international traveler may encounter. ART-P provides relevant risk mitigating techniques and develops the skills necessary to improve practically any adverse situation you might find yourself in.

The bottom line is we live in dangerous times, and as such it is important to take the precautionary measures needed to mitigate the threats we face. Our ART Program provides the client with exactly what they need to do just that! VISIT PROGRAM

At Risk Missionary Program (ARM-P)

ARM-P is a client-centric and comprehensive curriculum delivered in both academic and practical application form and draws from the Christian Code of Conduct and a multitude of individual courses specifically selected to address criminal threats a missionary may likely encounter. ARM-P provides relevant risk mitigating techniques and develops the skills necessary to improve practically any adverse situation.

The Program is similar to our other At Risk Programs, however its incorporates a strong Christian foundation and principals into the curriculum.

The bottom line is we live in dangerous times, and as such it is important to take the precautionary measures needed to mitigate the threats we face. Our ARM Program provides the client with exactly what they need to do just that! VISIT PROGRAM

At Risk Journalist Program (ARJ-P)

The Journalist program is based on the same principals as the above two programs however is tailored more appropriately to field journalist and some of the unique challenges they face in their career field. Visit Program

Omega Guardian Program

Omega Guardian Program is a comprehensive risk mitigation program that has multiple options for our clients. The core of the program relies on concealable/disguised locator beacons carried by our clients that allow the user the ability to immediately send a distress signal as well as the monitors to ping the locator for location at any time. However, the locators are just the core! The Guardian Program additionally has other options and features associated with it that our clients may elect to use all of which are described in detail below. Visit Guardian

  • Shane Blevins is a career US Army Soldier and founder of Omega Group Consultants LLC. He joined the Army in 1995 at the age of 19. In 1999 he assessed and was selected to join the 160th SOAR (A) and spent the next 14 years in Special Operations. In 2013 he was offered the Senior Enlisted position at the US Army SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) School and happily accepted the challenge. Having a great passion to teach and for survival training it was the perfect fit to culminate his military career. During his military career he has served combat missions and trained in most corners of the world to include better known locations such as Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Africa .

    Omega Group Consultants is at its core an adventurous survival oriented organization. All of our courses, services and programs can be associated with at least one of the core fundamental building blocks of a warrior. Those four fundamentals are;





    We profess as a Company that those four fundamental bases are imperative to physical survival in any situation. As such we offer a wide variety of courses and events that cater to the development, growth and strengthening of those critical areas. Both a young adult and seasoned combat veteran (and anyone in between) can benefit greatly from our various courses offered. Please take your time and browse through our site to familiarize yourself with the wide array of activities we offer. Another great benefit we offer is customized events and courses for no additional charge. If you have a group of ten or more people and you would like a specific tailored event please feel free to contact us so we can assist in putting together perfect curriculum for your group.

    In addition to the great courses and events we host, we also lease our facilities for training use. This is primarily done for Military and Law Enforcement agencies, however in some circumstances we lease facilities to other organizations as well (ie. Scouts, Church, Family Reunion etc..). Please contact us with your needs and request for more information if this is something you may need.
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