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Updated by Jessica Viviana Toledo Aranda on Oct 10, 2017
Headline for Posters Anti- Prejudice LyV 2015-13
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Posters Anti- Prejudice LyV 2015-13

English students from ITESM CEM (Mexico) sharing a message to stand for tolerance and stop discrimination.


Bookcover: Don't judge

Bookcover: Don't judge

Prejudice against tattooed people.
Intended audience: Non-tattooed people.

We want to stand for equality, to make people to reconsider that having a tattoo won't change the fact that we are humans.
Despite the growing trend in tattoos as artistic expression in the past 15 years, there is still discrimination against tattoos. Anyone that has a tattoo knows that some people just do not like tattoos regardless of design or meaning. Unfortunately, a lot of those people are older and in control of the companies that young adults are now trying to work for.

Sources of inspiration:
Tattooed people are discriminated because of the stereotype that they are rude and anarchists, because of this it's hard to them to get a job and to live their lives normally.




Members: Leilani Trejo, Alejandro Vallejo and Raul Bello
Title: Discrimination can happen to everyone
Audience: Everyone
Message: For a world without discrimination
Justification: We want people to feel offended when they see our poster, in order for them to know how it feels like to be pointed at or discriminated so that they would be more careful about the matter. The finger is an icon: a rude gesture against the audience; and the color red symbolises an agressive posture.
Source of inspiration: Uncle Sam


We are all delicious

We are all delicious

Against racial discrimination
-Audience: Every person who considers another as inferior because of the color of their skin.
-Message: We want people to be more tolerant with others, specially in terms of racial discrimination because there are no logical reasons to prejudge others because of that.
Justification: We decided to make this poster to make people conscious of the situation that others have to live with their whole lives just because of a trait they were born with. We stand for equality.
Sources of inspiration: There are many posters already that are about this topic, however we wanted to give it a different focus with food to represent that what matters is our inside.
Team members:
Luis Daniel Álvarez del Castillo Rodriguez
Dalia Samantha Hernandez
Diana Lopez




*Team Members: *

  • Ilse Sanchez Leyva A01377007
  • Diana Xally Vargas Martínez A01371726
  • Nahomi Rojo Godoy A01377156 Audience: Young people between 15 to 29 Topic: Prejudice against Urban Tribes Message: Beneath, we are the same. Justification: Urban tribes are so different AMONG them but each one has to be accepted by the whole society; not only because they are part of them but because they are human beings too and we all need to be treated equally and don't be judged by the way we look, think or act. Everyone deserves and opportunity to show who they really are. We decided to create this poster because in our society we can find people from different urban cultures and we usually segregate them. With this poster we want people to know that even if we look different in the outside, we are the same no matter what. Sources of inspiration: Students from Tec de Monterrey and our own differences as a team.



Team: Eladio, Fer García, Mildred Cruz.
*Title: All urban tribes smile the same as you. *
Topic: Discrimination
Audience: Everyone
Message: We should all respect each other, no matter the differences of thinking.
Justification: We_ think_ that everyone deserveS respect no matter what the wear. All of us have different interests, so we should accept each other. We are humans and it is unacceptable as a race to discriminate another just because they don't think similar as we do, and IT is a foolish attitude to act like this specially when you also have_ bad _qualities that can de discriminated but _maybe _they don't because DISCRIMINATION SHOULD NOT EXIST. This poster stands for JUSTICE !
Sources of inspiration: Society.




Team members: Pamela Jiménez, Sofia Segovia, David Urie

  • Title: Equality
  • Topic: Prejudice and discrimination
  • Audience: Teens and Adults
  • Message: We want to stand for every person out there, no matter his/her characteristics, because we are humans and just BECAUSE OF that we deserve a fair and equalitarian trait.
  • Justification: In this poster, we want to transmit that we all are humans no matter our characteristics, point or view o limitations. We need to be aware OF THE FACT THAT every person has a heart and by discriminating or prejudging we can harm people's feelings and even damage their physiological health.
  • Sources of inspiration: We are inspireDin the CURRENT times, because NOWADAYS IT'S easy to find people that make OTHERS feel less because the have different abilities or sexual preference. That's why we think that IT'S important to teach in some way that we are all equal.



Jaime Emiliano.
The poster represents two inocent babIEs who have the same mother and it expressES that there is no discrimination because of the colour of the skin. That's why the text says that both are equal.
MY source of inspiration ...was the discrimination years ago in the United StaTES to THE African people, and how NOWADAYS they STILL have some distintion. (?)