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Updated by CADinfo .net on Sep 12, 2021
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Old CAD Drafters

CAD took a grip on the design community when it became possible to create and modify drawings digitally. The automation of pre- and post- drawing stage of technical design came later and continues to morph as technological innovations add to the story. We started this collection of memories back in 1997. A glimpse back in time for those who have never used a drawing board.
You know you're getting old when...


Electric Eraser

Electric Eraser

You consider the electric eraser to be a new-fangled gadget invented by the Devil himself.

Nick Bogut


Pencil Lineweight

You remember how to control lineweights by rolling the pencil as you draw

John Cabrall


Drafting Spline

Drafting Spline

You remember that a spline is something you rest weights (ducks) on, to draw a curve.

(A flexible pen/pencil guide, bent through control points on the drawing and held in place by the weights until the line is drawn.)

Bob Doncom

image courtesy of Bob Perry


Leroy Lettering Set

Leroy Lettering Set

You are asked if a Leroy Lettering Set is a package of fonts for AutoCAD (and where they can be downloaded)

_ S. Yoder_

image courtesy of Todd Klein


Dress A Ruling Pen

Dress A Ruling Pen

You know how to dress a ruling pen

Dennis Shinn

image courtesy of Tiffany


Sandpaper Stick

Sandpaper Stick

You are asked why there is sandpaper on a stick in your drawer

_ S.Yoder_

image courtesy of Mrs. Laverne E. Denyer

Drawing Template

You think you should own stock in the plastic's industry because of all the templates you own.

S. Yoder


Drafting Linen

You rue the day they quit making drafting linen

Dennis Shinn




A compass was for drawing arcs and circles and not finding the North pole

Dennis Shinn


Pencil Sharpener

Pencil Sharpener

You know that some pencil sharpeners only remove the wood and don't sharpen the lead.

Carl Taylor

Erasing Shield

You know that the little piece of thin metal with all of the holes is called an erasing shield.

Carl Taylor


Drafting Powder

Your drafting table still has drafting powder in the seams


You still have a drafting table!



Electric Eraser

You keep your electric eraser out and visible just because it's been such a good friend



Reverse Drawing

You can start out with a completely blacked out sheet of negative paper and scratch out a drawing with a razor blade or scalpel.



Ralph Smoley

When you were lucky enough to get Ralph Smoley (remember Smoley's) to be your teacher for a ICS course in engineering



Railroad Curves

Railroad Curves

You have a set of railroad curves.

Michael Pekarik

Image courtesy of Smith Drafting Products, Inc.


Beam Compass

Beam Compass

You have a beam compass.

Michael Pekarik


Drawing Scales

When someone says scale, you ask architectural or engineering?

Michael Pekarik


Ruling Pen

You remember filling your inking pen with an eyedropper, after first adjusting the line width by turning a knurled wheel on the side of the pen and "measuring" the width of the pen points

Dennis Staley


Slide Rule Icon

You look for the slide rule icon



Leroy Lettering

Your back has formed the perfect curve for the Leroy lettering position



You remember when blueprints were blue and sepias were erased with a chemical.

Janet Hould

Image by Joy Oil Co Ltd via Wikimedia Commons


Nib Cleaner

when you remember that before the plastic foam, everyone had a dark, speckle topped, rubber-band wrapped, roll of frazzled toilet paper on the drafting table

_Doug Rohn_

Drafting Tape

You went to happy hour on Friday nights with drafting tape stuck to the elbows of your sleeves!

Dale Brooks