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Updated by Donna Amos on Feb 18, 2017
Headline for How to Write a Book
Donna Amos Donna Amos
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How to Write a Book

So you want to become a published author but not sure what to write about. Here are some of the best tips from across the internet.

5 Ways to Develop a Book Idea |

Having an idea and developing that idea into a marketable, publishable book are two different things. I learned this early in the process when trying to decide what kind of book I wanted to write. That's why I'm offering up these tips that I learned along the way.

6 Practical Nonfiction Writing Prompts To Boost Your Creativity And Skill

style="display:inline-block;width:336px;height:280px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-8081383567175932" data-ad-slot="5936108008"> Sometimes we all need a kick-start for our creativity. It's common practice amongst students of creative fiction, young and old, to use a prompt, or an exercise, to get started with a piece of writing, or to help generate ideas.

8 Ways to Prepare to Write Your Nonfiction Book in a Month |

As a nonfiction writer, you might feel a bit left out during November. Everyone is talking about NaNoWriMo this and NaNoWriMo that. All the while, you want to write a nonfiction book in a month not a novel. Well, you can, and you should. I have news for you, though.

How to Get Good Ideas

How to Get Good Ideas with Phil Cooke. READ THE FULL POST HERE Phil Cooke talks about How to Get Ideas and even great ideas. (Book)Unique: Telling Your Story in the Age of Brands and Social Media Phil Cooke: Cooke Pictures: ABOUT PHIL Cooke An internationally known writer and speaker, Phil Cooke has actually produced media programming in nearly 50 countries around the world.

31 Ways to Find Inspiration for Your Writing

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. - Jack London No matter how much you love writing, there will always be days when you need inspiration from one muse or another. In fact, I would argue that inspiration is not just a desirable thing, it's an integral part of the writing process.

Tips and Inspiration to Write a Book in a Month

One of the things I love about working at Writer's Digest is the excitement each time a new issue hits newsstands. And it's especially true with the November/December 2014 Writer's Digest -because this special guide to Writing a Book in a Month arrives just in time for November's National Novel Writing Month challenge.