Listly by Shahid Sharif
All about careers, leadership, motivation
We all engage in impression management - trying to put our best foot forward and "fit in" in social situations. Two psychological constructs address how people "perform" in social situations, and there are subtle, but important, differences.
Are you comfortable calling yourself a leader? Most people would answer no. Is there something holding you back? Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
2011 Highlights: Partner Growth, Lighthouse1 Mobile and Industry Awards February 13, 2012 04:54 PM Eastern Time MINNEAPOLIS--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--Evolution1™, the nation's largest electronic payment, on-premise and cloud computing healthcare solution that administers reimbursement accounts, including HSAs, HRAs, FSAs, VEBAs, Wellness and Transit Plans, announced today that it continued its leadership position in 2011 in terms of growth and services.
Reaching the apex of the career ladder by gradually getting promoted to the top is a thing of the past. From my experience as a career coach, career ladders in most organizations have not existed for at least fifteen years.
Among the topics we focus on at Apologetics Index is the issue of spiritual abuse. Jeff VanVonderen, co-author of the book The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse the, says "Spiritual abuse occurs when someone in a position of spiritual authority … misuses that authority placing themselves over God's people to control, coerce or manipulate them for seemingly Godly purposes which are really their own."
A few years ago, Brad Anderson, then CEO of Best Buy, told me something both provocative and profound. We were discussing what he looked for in selecting someone for a C-suite level role.
Takeaway: Don't deploy a new firewall, VPN, server, SAN, wireless network, or other systems without properly documenting the installation. It's amazing how often new clients describe an intermittent networking issue and, upon troubleshooting, I discover the client doesn't possess any documentation - no passwords, IP addresses, architecture data, nothing.
Posted by James Coakes in team building. Tags: command tasks, country sports, ideas, team building, treasure huntstrackback The team building event industry is generally seen to be creative. However, coming up with new ideas is not easy.