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Updated by Giovanni Dalla Bona on Feb 23, 2016
4 items   1 followers   0 votes   7 views

Collaboration Tools

Spacedeck - Online Whiteboard and Collaboration for Creatives and Education.

On Spacedeck you can create and share content on virtual whiteboards and turn them into beautiful PDF documents or presentations.

MyBlogU | Content Marketing: Create Epic Content and Get Cited

Una specie di crowdsourcing dei contenuti: navighi nei contenuti cercando tra i ritagli (snippet), trovi potenziali utenti interessati a collaborare su un argomento, fai domande e li inviti a partecipare.

Una volta che hai creato il tuo team, sei pronto a caricare una bozza, a cui tutti gli editor possono collaborare e di cui sei libero di accettare o rifiutare suggerimenti e modifiche.
(descriziona da Ninja Marketing)

Basic Features, Online Whiteboard | RealtimeBoard

RealtimeBoard is an endless flexible space, easily customizable for your purposes. Start your online whiteboard now!



With Quip, everyone can edit the same version of the document at the same time — from any device. There's just one document and one chat thread, not a bunch of attachments with indecipherable titles like “ClientProposal-Kevin-Version3.doc.”