According to latest yearly survey of Rabobank, world’s biggest dairy companies highlight the huge of one of the world’s most important food sectors. In the latest survey, the largest dairy companies names Swiss major Nestle is the top dairy company in the world with turnover of $27.8 billion and second top company is French Lactalis with turnover of $19.5 billion, 3rd is Danone with turnover of $19.5 billion, although New Zealand's Fonterra is on 4th with turnover of $18.5 billion in 2014.
Story Source : World’s top 20 dairy companies
Milk is a helpful nutritious food, which has a short shelf-life and needs careful handling. Milk is very useful and helpful for health because it is one of the best medium for the development and growth. There are many countries in the world that provide huge amount of milk in all over the world. India is the top country in the chart of milk production. India is also world’s biggest consumer of milk and dairy products. India produces a big 144 million tones of milk annually. There are 75 million farmer families that are producing milk in all countries including European Union. These farmers also look out the milk processing way, milk storage; milk handling and testing on different basis, which is always an important concern.
Big dairy farms have used robotic milkers from a decade in all over the world. Now, the milking robots are taken up home at some small and medium dairy farms across the world. It provides trustworthy and more proficient labor and help the production remain workable.
Story Source : Now, smaller dairy farms are using robots to increase production
Trans-pacific partnership is known as TPP that is a trade agreement among numerous Pacific Rim countries relating to different matters of economic guidelines. Canada is starting the tap to dairy from foreign challenger that part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal and although the latest imports can just seem like a trickle immediately.
Story Source : What do you think about TPP deal?
Kuehnert Dairy Farm is a sixth generation dairy farm, which located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. There is one farming family that is giving the chance to everyone follow the scenes of their operations. Kuehnert Dairy Farm is opening doors for unique events and tours in the month of October.
*Story Source *: Kuehnert Dairy Farm And Annual Fall Festival
Dairy farmers and workers are defense to stop drug infectivity of milk and beef from entering food supply. When think to take care of animal, they must keep a number of things in mind. They are using the right drug and administer methods to care for the condition of the animal.
*Story Source *: Trustworthy and reliable antibiotics use on Dairy farms
Nowadays, the dairy business is growing with the help of high technology, automatic equipment, robotic systems and high-tech tools. Acceptance of robotic systems is increasing approximate 25 percent every year. The robotic system has the ability to decrease labor needs and saves 3.5 hours of the dairy farmers every day.
Story Source : Benefits of robotic dairy systems
Today, monitor work systems and dairy workers are the management rule, which is difficult to adapt for modern and big dairy business. As dairy farms become big and use the latest and innovative technology that organizes work to maximize output and effectiveness. It is important to manage work to take advantage of effectiveness and production.
Story Source : Management Principles of a successful Dairy Business
Dairy is known as an economic agriculture business in all over the world. There are some best ways to make and run a sustainable dairy farm that provides maximum profits to the farm. You also can get effects of dairy business on environment and animal for a long time. There are some dairy farms that provide lots of benefits, which are related to animal, food and environment.
Story Source :
There are lots of dairy farms all over the world that are efficient and successful. Every successful dairy farm includes careful supervision of the field to make sure the cows have the exact quantity of food at the precise time. Dairy farmers make hard decisions about how to distribute resources and deal with troubles such...
There are several types of milk processing equipment available in dairy plant that performs various roles. It is important to know all the information and data record that records measure success and comparison of the dairy farm. A reporting and recording system of performance examination and studies must be introduced and strictly measured so make sure that action can be taken instantly.
Story Source: How to increase effectiveness of the dairy plant
The main part of any dairy farm is milk receiving, milk storing, separating, pasteurizing and homogenizing, which ensures major process of the milk. The milk equipment is required for making milk products like cheese, butter, ice cream and more. The milk processing equipments play various roles in dairy plants.