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Updated by Ann Smarty on Aug 27, 2015
Headline for MyBlogU to Help with Every Aspect of Online Marketing
Ann Smarty Ann Smarty
6 items   2 followers   7 votes   310 views

MyBlogU to Help with Every Aspect of Online Marketing

How can help you improve and diversify your online marketing tactics based on one basic idea: Collaboration! MyBlogU is the free community of writer, bloggers and journalists who are eager to collaborate, help, pick each others' brains in order to create better content, build relationships and get the word out for each other. With MyBlogU you are never alone!


Create better content

Create better content
  • (*) Collect original angles from real people
  • (*) Collect expert quotes
  • (*) Have your articles proof-read for free
  • (*) Find free eager contributors and helpers!

Increase your Twitter interactions!

Increase your Twitter interactions!

Read the full article here

  • Grow Twitter interactions: Get thanked for your help on Twitter
  • Get your content retweeted by your contributors
  • Generate links to your Twitter profile
MyBlogU: Create Epic Content and Get Cited!

This is an intro video to our free community called MyBlogU. It describes the major features and gives an overview of how MyBlogU can help you grow your blogs and promote your website. We are the new generation of content marketers who focus on quality and relationships

Build Community around Your Blog with #MyBlogU

A blog cannot exist without community: There should be repeat visitors who are looking forward to your articles, share, comment, give you feedback, etc. A blogger without community can quickly burn out. Your community helps you promote your content, inspires you, helps with all your endeavors.

Enhance Your Visual Content Strategy with #MyBlogU

It's a very common question: Can MyBlogU be used to collaborate on other types of content apart from text content. The short answer is yes A longer answer is, MyBlogU is so flexible: You can use it to find all sorts of collaborators for all sorts of assets you are building.

Build Your Personal Brand Using #MyBlogU

MyBlogU is a powerful blogger collaboration tool bringing you lots of niche exposure opportunities you may not have thought of otherwise. Naturally that makes it a powerful personal brand building tool. Here are just a few powerful ways MyBlogU helps you build your personal brand online: MyBlogU is by far the easiest way to bring your voice to some blogs citing your expert opinion.