Listly by Navid Sultan
No, that’s not Susan Boyle as a baby. wasn’t always the poised, beautiful lady she is today (but then again, the most poised a baby can be is at a Sears portrait studio for five minutes.) Demi Lovato was a little awkward looking, true. But look at her today. You wouldn’t even know that those two were related or even the same person just by looking at them. What a change, huh? Still, she was a cute baby. Just not exactly who we’d expect to become Demi Lovato.
Puberty is a game changer for a lot of actors and actresses. Some go the Edward Furlough route and lose the looks that propelled them to fame. Others, like , took some time to find their classic looks. Tom Cruise didn’t have the best teeth or brows. But we suppose with a little cash and some major dental surgery and cosmetics, he’s now the guy stealing your girlfriend’s attention in Mission Impossible. Hell, the guy’s in his fifties and you wouldn’t even be able to tell now. Thank either genetics or Scientology for that one, I guess.
But it’s hard to talk about Tom Cruise without mentioning his former hostage, . Like Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes wasn’t the best looking baby. While not an ugly baby per se, sometimes babies just look a little…droopy. And Katie was definitely no different. In fact, this almost brings her a little down to Earth. Celebrities. They were weird looking babies too. Nowadays, her looks work to her advantage. Sometimes, how cute a baby is doesn’t always determine whether or not they’ll be cute later on or not. It seems like the weirder a baby looks, the better looking they’ll be when they’re an adult.
Alright, don’t adjust your sets. That’s not Chubby Chaney as a baby, although man, Bell’s not the best looking baby either. Jared Bell (hey, you know it was coming, dude. I’m still gonna call you that) looks alright now, we guess, but was a clear prune goblin as a baby. He still makes stupid faces even to this day, so we guess he didn’t change too much over the years. Josh was still the better one, we admit. Either way, I guess Drake slimmed down a bit. And for the past five years he hasn’t aged one bit. Except for that mole that’s living on his face, we guess.
Okay, let me be the first to say that Johansson wasn’t an ugly baby. But looking at her, you wouldn’t know that was the future . At least not in that white onesie deal she’s got going on. You can’t always tell what a baby’s going to do later on. But sometimes, you like to imagine that you can see a spark of the baby’s future looking at them. You can’t really say that with this picture of Scarlett Johansson. Unfortunately, she was ambiguous baby but you can’t say that Scarlett Johansson, arguably one of the most beautiful women in the world, is ambiguous or weird looking now. I swear to god, babies are some of the weirdest looking things in the world but damn if they’re not cute and cheerful. Just keep the spitting up and the diaper changes in mind.
Clearly, she was very different as an infant. We’re all familiar with the story of the ugly duckling who grew into a swan, but Halle definitely took it to another level. She has become one of the most beautiful women in the world as well as an Oscar winning actress who has starred in esteemed films such as Catwoman.