Listly by Heather Lynn
14 BLOGGERS. 14 DAYS. 14 WAYS TO BEAUTIFY YOUR BLOG! You love blogging. You love to connect. You love to share. But something's not quite right. It's your blog. It doesn't light you up. It doesn't make you feel proud. It doesn't make you look professional.
This is part 2 in a little series called "How to Design a Blog Header That Will Make People Like You." See the first post here. My husband and I recently purchased our first home. We looked at a BUNCH of houses with color schemes, painted walls, and unsightly decor noticing a pretty common thread.
Are you always searching to find a good image for your next blog post? Are you looking for related articles for reference? We did this a lot. But thankfully, I discovered a small plugin/toolbar that can do all this for us. It's called Zemanta. You can get the toolbar or WordPress plugin from their Website.
The use of meta tags in web pages are often required by search engines as a source of information to help them to decide how to list and rank your website. Meta Tags are not always required, but as a rule of thumb, it makes more sense to take advantage of them than to leave them out.
Get free image hosting, easy photo sharing, and photo editing. Upload pictures and videos, create with the online photo editor, or browse a photo gallery or album.
We gather all the information that's available online about any website, from more than 20 different sources. Know more about here, in
Content marketing is a powerful form of marketing that can help your business reach out to a big audience: the one that's online. Today, more than 3.5 billion searches happen each day, and a staggering 3.2 million people are using the Internet, almost a 1 million increase from last year.
Writing Prompts : The Imagination Prompt Generator As featured on Blogger's Buzz!
Automator is this really neat program on the Mac that lets you automate many repetitive tasks for you. For example, you can create what are called “workflows” that can rename a large batch of files, or resize numerous images quickly.
In this tutorial, I will create a workflow using the Services template in Automator. Services are these custom context menu bar items you can add to almost any Mac program. This tutorial will show you how to create one that adds a “Sync with Dropbox” option to menu items so that you can easily right-click any file or folder and sync it with Dropbox.
FREE guide to taking better travel photos Ever wondered what it takes to shoot a car image advertisement? Watch photographer Dave Hill as he takes you through how he created a 4 photo campaign for the Fiat 500 that will run in the Vanity Fair Hollywood edition. read more...
Snappa makes it easy to create engaging images for your social media campaigns, blog posts, and more!
Content Strategy Generator Tool - V2 Update - Find out what’s growing in popularity relating to your niche, pop the keyword/phrase into the content tool and be inspired for a unique angle on a hot topic!
Find editorial and blogger contacts
The tool pulls in 50 results for both editorial and blogger contacts, so that’s 100 potential new outreach contacts right there, on top of the outreach data found via Topsy!
How to make money blogging? Many people jump into this industry after reading some over hyped content that tells them they can earn thousands of dollars each month with very little work. Sounds too good to be true, right? Here at Authority Hacker, we are big fans of cold hard facts.
Can we get real for a sec? In the past four months, I've earned over $10,000 from affiliate links alone. Prior to that, my affiliate commissions were measly - hardly enough to buy a cup of coffee, let alone pay all my bills. But now, I genuinely feel like I understand what goes into using affiliate ...
Chances are, you aren't giving your blog post headlines their due level of importance. I say this because most bloggers don't. Including me, in many cases. It is one of the easiest things to get lazy about. In all our focus on making the content itself awesome, it is all too easy to kind of gloss over the headline.
boosted engagement by 48% , and grew their Facebook fan base to over 2,000,000.
FreshMail tool gives you full independence in designing beautiful and effective newsletters. The knowledge of HTML or Photoshop is no longer needed to create a XXIst century template.
There are two things that almost every project entails - creativity and deadlines. Unfortunately, those two things usually don't go together so well. When deadlines are looming, I'm almost always pressed for a new idea. But this strategy, which shouldn't take more than 30 minutes, is the perfect way to overcome your writer's block, and have enough ideas to keep you busy for weeks.
You can use Pablo right from the get-go, no need to login or create an account. Just quickly create amazing images super fast. You can try out the first version of Pablo right now - no login required. Just head to and give it a try!
Disclaimer: Yes, these factors don't directly affect search rankings, but when combined with other on-page best practices, they can work together to support the factors that Google relies on, and your rankings will soar. That happens when you publish truly helpful and data-driven content that can't be ignored.
Take your content marketing efforts up a notch with these 27 tools. Increase your productivity and produce higher quality content. Taken from our original post,
This is part three of my Blogging 101 series. By now, you should be understanding the basics of creating a niche for your blog, as well as the process of building your community. Now it's time to analyze your Daily To Do's in order to continue to grow your blog into a business.
Let's face it - there are some days you need to pump out a blog post, but you just don't feel like writing. It happens. In those cases, there are still ways you can create valuable content to share with your followers without having to write. Use these blog content ideas on those days.