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Updated by Viveka vonRosen on Oct 10, 2017
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LinkedIn Experts

Here's a list of LinkedIn Expert I highly recommend! Please feel free to add individuals you think are LinkedIn Experts!

Des Walsh

Coaching + Social Media

LinkedIn Workshops

LinkedIn workshops for organizations, groups or companies. Contact us at

Hirra Yousuf - LinkedIn Expert!

View Hirra Yousuf's (Pakistan) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Hirra Yousuf discover inside connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts, and business partners.

Expert Interviews Podcast

Viveka von Rosen, author of LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day is my expert guest for this podcast episode, and we're going to be talking about how to make LinkedIn work better for you.

7 Ways to Turn LinkedIn into a Lead Generation Machine with Viveka von Rosen

7 Ways to Turn LinkedIn into a Lead Generation Machine with Viveka von Rosen

Viveka von Rosen @LinkedInExpert

Viveka von Rosen started using LinkedIn in 2006 when she saw a presentation on the opportunities of Business Networking with LinkedIn. Having doubled her own business with F2F networking, she saw the immense potential of an online networking site.

Viveka is known internationally as the “LinkedIn Expert”, and speaks to business owners, corporations and associations on the benefits of marketing with social media, and in particular LinkedIn.

Currently writing “LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour A Day” for Wiley, she is also a regular source on LinkedIn for prestigious news outlets such as, and The Miami Herald. She is the host of the biggest LinkedIn chat on Twitter: #LinkedInChat and co-moderator of LinkedStrategies, the largest LinkedIn strategy group on LinkedIn. She is constantly learning, sharing and transferring social media skills and strategies to her tribe.

Viveka has 22,000+ first level connections and a network of over 21 million people on LinkedIn, and 42,000+ followers on Facebook. Her seminars, webinars and workshops have taught and trained well over 10,000 people.

She was also recently listed:
• Forbes 10 Most Influential Women in Social Media
• Forbes 50 Most Influential People in Social Media
• TopRank’s 25 Women Who Rock Social Media in 2011
• Big Money Web’s 200 Most Fearless Women Online
• Listed by Mari Smith as having the niche quality of a social media superstar:

Miles Austin | @milesaustin

Miles Austin is my absolute go to person when it comes to the latest and greatest tools to use in my social marketing. He is also a great expert on strategically using LinkedIn!

Neal Schaffer @NealSchaffer

Neal Schaffer is one of the nicest, most genuine people I know. He is a leader in helping businesses and professionals strategically leverage the business potential of social media. A Forbes Top 30 Social Media Power Influencer and creator of the AdAge Top 100 Global Marketing Blog Windmill Networking, Neal is a popular social media conference speaker who is also known for his two award-winning and critically acclaimed social media books: "Maximizing LinkedIn for Sales and Social Media Marketing" and "Windmill Networking: Maximizing LinkedIn."

Jason Alba @JasonAlba

Jason Alba basically wrote the first book on LinkedIn, which is still quite valid today. It was the first LinkedIn book I purchased and was my bible!
Jason also founded JibberJobber which is an amazing CRM for job Seekers. He's worth the follow!

Scott Allen @ScottAllen

Scott Allen wrote the first Social Networking book I ever read - The Virtual Handshake (still a very valid read:

He also created and moderates LinkedIntelligence - a resource intended for people who are new to LinkedIn and are wondering how to use it for business and career development. Its also for those who've used LinkedIn for awhile but feel like they haven't really been getting the most out of it ...

Nate Kievman @NateKievman

Speaking of LinkedStrategies - you should join the LinkedIn group and then follow everything Nate Kievman shares! He is awesome. I've been very privileged to be involved with Nate in a few projects and look forward to working with him again.
Also check out his Linkedin & Business Magazine.

Stacy Donovan Zapar @StacyZapar

I love Stacy Zapar! She is the most connected Woman on LinkedIn. She blogs about Social Media, Recruiting, Networking and Job Search Tips & Tricks... Pay It Forward!

Steve Cassady @SteveCassady

Steve is my right hand man on my #LinkedInChat and always shares valuable info. Find him @SteveCassady on Twitter!

Brad Hanks | LinkedIn for Realtors

Brad knows his stuff when it comes to LinkedIn for Realtors

Dave Maskin @DaveMaskin

I've been watching Dave since I started using LinkedIn - He is a master of Linked Strategies!

Randy Schrum @RandySchrum

Randy Schrum was another earlier influencer for me on LinkedIn. Randy Schrum is the President of MyInspiredMedia Group, a highly successful Social Media Agency in the greater St. Louis area. Holding and managing multiple business offerings allows Randy’s team to provide a current and robust array of services, which can easily be tailored to each client’s specific needs.

Are Morch @AreMorch

Passionate Hotel Blogger. Hotel LinkedIn Coach. LinkedIn: Hotel Tips and Strategies -

Stephanie Sammons

CEO and Founder of WIRED ADVISOR™, an inbound marketing company for financial advisors and wealth managers.

Eve Orsburn @LinkedInQueen

Eve Mayer Orsburn

Noland Hoshino @Noland Hoshino

In this post, I’ll lay down the basics, explain how it works, and share with you some tricks and best practices to get the most from your LinkedIn CPC investment. Click here to read more.

11 Ways to Maximize Sales With LinkedIn

Think you know all there is to know about LinkedIn? Even expert users can squeeze out more productivity and sales with LinkedIn’s ready-made tools.

Sarah Santacroce - Simplicity - Simple Small Business Solutions | Simplicity

Sarah Santacroce is a certified Social Media, Internet Marketing & Virtual Event specialist. She helps small business owners and individual entrepreneurs to find their place in today’s online world: increase their visibility and brand awareness, understand the ins and outs of Social Media and how it can increase their leads and help them understand the complexity of Internet Marketing. Sarah is passionate about everything online and likes to share her knowledge with others. She is a Swiss national, but thinks with a global mind. One of her specialties is LinkedIn. She hosts regular webinars and also helps clients one on one.

David M Calduch

View David M Calduch (HootSuite Enterprise Expert)'s professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like David M Calduch (HootSuite Enterprise Expert) discover inside connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts, and business partners.

Top Ten Influential Women in Marketing on Twitter

This article about the Top Ten Influential Women in Marketing on Twitter was a tough one to write, not because of who to add, but because I had to choose who to leave out. In the course of my research I found so many amazing business ladies who know their marketing stuff.