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Updated by Marie Ennis-O'Connor on Jun 03, 2017
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Clinical Researchers on Twitter

Ahmed Rashid (@Dr_A_Rashid) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Ahmed Rashid (@Dr_A_Rashid). UK doctor, researcher, teacher (#primarycare, #ebm, #meded). Cambridge, England

Amer Johri, MD (@amerjohri) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Amer Johri, MD (@amerjohri). Heart & Stroke Foundation Clinician Scientist. MGH Harvard Alum. Presently Queen's Univ. Striving towards fitness, discovery, and understanding the Heart. Kingston, Ontario

Andrew Davies

The latest Tweets from Andrew Davies (@AndrewDavies66). Husband & Father. Intensivist. Clinical Researcher. Melbourne. Doing my best in living mindfully, purposefully and gratefully to optimally contribute and care

Angie Smith (@angiesmith_uro) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Angie Smith (@angiesmith_uro). mom, wife, foodie, musician, @GoHeels & @steelers fan, urologist & health services researcher @UNC_Lineberger. views are mine. RTs≠E. Chapel Hill, NC

Christina Stephan (@CLStephan_MDPhD)

Physician, researcher, clinical informatics and population health and wellness,
Passionate about helping build better health care systems.

Daniel Z. Uslan, MD (@dan_uslan)

Director, Antimicrobial Stewardship, Associate Director of Clinical Epidemiology & Infection Prevention for UCLA Health. Los Angeles, CA

Dan Morgan (@dr_dmorgan) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Dan Morgan (@dr_dmorgan). Researcher and infectious disease physician exploring pragmatic issues related to infection control & medical overuse. Baltimore, MD

Dr. Alfiee (@dralfiee) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Dr. Alfiee (@dralfiee). Dr Breland-Noble, Researcher: Depressive Disorders, #MentalHealthDisparities #FaithBasedMH #AssocProf Adol/Child ψ Georgetown Psychiatry @aakomaproject Director. Washington, DC

Dr. David Rosman (@darosman)

Physician, Teacher, Researcher, Policy-Maker. Interests: HCR, Policy, Systems Improvement, Individual Care Improvement

Dr. Ellis (@DrAnneEllis) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Dr. Ellis (@DrAnneEllis). Allergy/Immunology Specialist, Associate Professor, Dept of Medicine @ Queen's University, Director of the Environmental Exposure Unit ( Kingston, ON

Elliott Haut, MD PhD

Academic Trauma Surgeon, Vice Chair Quality & Safety @HopkinsSurgery @HopkinsMedicine. Outcomes Researcher Bloomberg @JohnsHopkinsSPH. @EAST_TRAUMA Secretary. Baltimore, MD

Frances Mair (@FrancesMair) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Frances Mair (@FrancesMair). Academic family practitioner. Scotland

Harlan Krumholz (@hmkyale) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Harlan Krumholz (@hmkyale). Yale cardiologist, researcher, educator, medical editor, dad, husband

Irene Ghobrial (@IreneGhobrial) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Irene Ghobrial (@IreneGhobrial). Physician-scientist in multiple myeloma at @DanaFarber/@BrighamWomens Hematologic Oncology Treatment Center. Tweets are my own & not medical advice. #mmsm. Boston, MA

J. Brian Byrd

The latest Tweets from J. Brian Byrd (@thebyrdlab). Physician-Scientist Investigating Human #Hypertension. Asst. Prof. #TranslationalResearch #Cardiologist. Tweets unrelated to my employer & not medical advice. Ann Arbor, MI

Jenni Harrison (@JenniKHarrison) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Jenni Harrison (@JenniKHarrison). Clinical Research Fellow & trainee Geriatrician with a fondness for baking. Passionate about improving dementia care, delirium prevention & care in care homes!. Edinburgh, Scotland

Katalin Susztak

Physician-scientist at the University of Pennsylvania. Determined to understand chronic kidney disease development. Philadelphia

Kat Taylor (@dr_kathytaylor)

physician-scientist, clinical laboratory scientist and writer

KT Park (@KTPark6) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from KT Park (@KTPark6). Stanford Peds GI MD/researcher. Sharing news/articles & thoughts in gastroenterology, pediatrics, health care & policy. 'To work for food that does not spoil'. Palo Alto, CA

Luke Higgins MD PhD (@DrLukeHiggins)

Hopkins DR/VIR Radiology Research Track Resident interested in image guided procedures, clinical/translational informatics, and entrepreneurial collaborations.

Marcel Émond (@marcel_mond) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Marcel Émond (@marcel_mond). Clincian-Scientist in Emergency Medicine. Improving care (Trying to?!) of the injured in the ED. Québec

Michael Moran (@mmoranmm)

Trainee ENT surgeon, cancer researcher, @RCSEd trainees' committee member and member of Comité Médical International de Lourdes. Belfast, NI

Michael O'Dwyer (@MichaelodwyerMD) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Michael O'Dwyer (@MichaelodwyerMD). Professor of Haematology, NUI Galway, HRB Clinician Scientist, Consultant Haematologist University Hospital Galway. Formerly Assistant Professor OHSU, Oregon. NUI Galway and UHG

Michael Tomasson (@MTomasson) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Michael Tomasson (@MTomasson). Physician-scientist into multiple myeloma genetics, raising kids, educating MDs, PhDs & finding peace. Opinions are my own. RT is not endorsement. St. Louis

Michael Wosnick, PhD (@MichaelWosnick) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Michael Wosnick, PhD (@MichaelWosnick). Former VP, Research, Canadian Cancer Society & Exec. Director, National Cancer Institute of Canada. Now retired, I am an active cancer research blogger/writer. Richmond Hill, Ontario