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Create quizzes with different question styles including multiple choice, checkboxes and true/false, with or without a timer.
Riddle makes from quizzes and lists, to polls and more - then use it beautiful intuitive dashboard to learn what your students loved most.
Testmoz is a test generator that sports 4 question types, automatic grading, a really simple interface and detailed reports. Testmoz is free, and does not require you (or your students) to register.
With our online quiz creator it's easy to make a quiz in less than five minutes.
QuizStar is a free, online quiz maker that allows you to manage your classes, assign quizzes, and generate reports of quiz scores and student performance.
Teacher Resources to Create, Store, and Print worksheets, studysheets, exams and quizzes online. Designed specifically for teachers, instructors, and homeschoolers.
Create your own online quizzes for your online profile, Twitter, blog, forum, or web site.
The ClassMarker online testing website, is a professional, easy to use, online quiz maker that marks your tests and quizzes for you. Create online quizzes free quiz maker
QuizUp is a free, award-winning multiplayer trivia game. Challenge friends and meet new people who share your interests. Join a community of millions already playing the biggest trivia game in the world!
Grade online assignments in under a minute! Get reporting and analysis on student performance! Email students their scores.
Create online quiz with ProProfs quiz creator. Use our online quiz maker software for work, school or fun.
Create your own multimedia quiz or survey in minutes - for fun, education, training, research ...
Scattervox is a new kind of poll! When you create a poll, you ask users to show how they feel about different people, places, or things by plotting them on a two-dimensional graph. It's like an interactive infographic!
Poll & Match makes it easy to create a free online poll, collect ranked preferences, and assign top choices.
Easy & Attractive Mobile surveys. Survey Anyplace enables anybody to create a mobile survey for tablets and smartphones. No app install. All devices.
Create stunning surveys, polls, and quizzes in minutes. Collect responses via your website, e-mail, iPad, Facebook, and Twitter. Generate and share easy-to-read reports.
Poll Everywhere is the easiest way to gather live responses in any venue... conferences, concerts, classrooms, and company off-sites - anywhere with internet.